FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Bolsas Y Mercados EspaƱoles To Start "Iniciativa Ibex"
Date 02/06/2003
The Spanish economy is expected to grow by 2.2% in 2003, exceeding by far the 0.9% estimate for the Eurozone.
HKEx: Presentation On Consultation Paper On The Regulation Of Sponsors And Independent Financial Advisers
Date 31/05/2003
Attached is a powerpoint presentation issued yesterday of the Consultation Paper on The Regulation of Sponsors and Independent Financial Advisers.
Vladislav Streltsov To Run For President Of The RTS Stock Exchange
Date 30/05/2003
On its May 30, 2003, meeting the RTS Stock Exchange Board of Directors has approved the candidacy of Vladislav Streltsov to run for President of the RTS Stock Exchange.
Tokyo Stock Exchange: Name Change Of TOPIX Sector Index
Date 30/05/2003
As made public by Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. last year, TSE will change the industrial sector name of "Communication" to "Information & Communication" from June 2, 2003. Some companies will be assigned to "Information & Communication" from other sectors on the same day and such companies will be included as constituents of the Information & Communication sector index (and will therefore no longer be a part of their present sector index) after the close of trading on May 30, 2003.
Tokyo Stock Exchange: Deliverable Bonds And Conversion Factors Of JGB Futures (5-year, 10-year & 20-year) As Of May 30, 2003
Date 30/05/2003
The deliverable bonds and conversion factors of JGB Futures (5-year, 10-year & 20-year) can be accessed by clicking here and here.
Tokyo International Financial Futures Exchange 10 Year JPY Swapnote <SUP><SMALL>TM</SUP></SMALL> Trading Volume And Open Interest Reach New Record Highs
Date 30/05/2003
The 10-year JPY SwapnoteTM listed on May 9th reached a record high daily trading volume of 20,800 contracts on May 29th, and has again broken the record today with 21,300 contracts.
The Stock Exchange Of Hong Kong And The Securities and Futures Commission Today Jointly Announced The Release Of Their Consultation Paper On The Regulation Of Sponsors And Independent Financial Advisers
Date 30/05/2003
The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the Exchange), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) and the Securities and Futures Commission (the SFC) have jointly published a Consultation Paper on Regulation of Sponsors and Independent Financial Advisers (the Consultation Paper).
Taiwan Futures Exchange To Launch TSEC Taiwan 50 Index Futures On June 30
Date 30/05/2003
Taiwan Futures Exchange (TAIFEX) expects to launch the TSEC Taiwan 50 Index futures on June 30, 2003, subject to the approval of the Securities and Futures Commission.
SEC Grants Extension Of The Intermarket Trading System De Minimis Exemption
Date 30/05/2003
The Securities and Exchange Commission today granted an extension of the de minimis exemption from the provisions of the Intermarket Trading System Plan (ITS Plan) governing intermarket trade-throughs. The de minimis exemption was originally issued by the Commission on Aug. 28, 2002, and granted relief through June 4, 2003. The Commission's August 2002 order exempted from the trade-through provisions of the ITS Plan transactions in three specific exchange-traded funds (ETFs): the Nasdaq-100 Inde
RTS: "IK-EAST Capital" Becomes a FORTS Clearing Member
Date 30/05/2003
On its May 29th, 2003, meeting the RTS Stock Exchange Board of Directors has decided to approve an application of "IK-EAST Capital" (Moscow) to join FORTS as a clearing member.
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