Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Taiwan Futures Exchange May 2003 Trading Statistics

    Date 02/06/2003

    21 trading days Average daily trading volume (futures & options): 101,938 contracts

  • Stockholmsbörsen: XACT SBX - Initial Listing Of New Exchange Traded Fund

    Date 02/06/2003

    As of today, XACT SBX is listed on Stockholmsbörsen, marking the addition of another ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) to Stockholmsbörsen's ETF segment. XACT SBX tracks Stockholmsbörsen's benchmark index (SBX), which comprises the 80-100 most heavily traded shares on the Exchange.

  • OneChicago Week in Review

    Date 02/06/2003

    DIAMONDS ® Spreads Trading hours for futures on the DIAMONDS (DIA1C) have been extended to 3:15 p.m. Central time beginning today. All OneChicago products still begin trading at 8:15 a.m. Central time and futures on single stocks still close at 3 p.m. Central. Futures on the DIAMONDS (DIA1C) bid/ask spread performance last week:

  • OneChicago Reports Volume Increase For May 2003

    Date 02/06/2003

    OneChicago, LLC today announced that it traded 101,689 contracts in May, which is a 28% increase over April. The month included a record-high daily volume of 16,962 May 5.

  • NASD Agrees to Principle Terms To Sell American Stock Exchange To GTCR Golder Rauner LLC

    Date 02/06/2003

    NASD announced today that it has agreed to principle terms to sell its interest in the American Stock Exchange (Amex) to GTCR Golder Rauner LLC (GTCR), a Chicago-based private equity firm. The transaction, which would be valued at approximately $110 million, is subject to the completion of definitive sale documents and approvals by NASD's Board of Governors, Amex's Board of Governors, vote of the Amex membership and the Securities and Exchange Commission.