FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
IPE Launches Enhanced IPE Energylive<SUP>TM</SUP> Service
Date 18/08/2003
The IPE, Europe's leading energy futures and options exchange, today announced a deal with FutureSource to serve as the new technology provider for IPE EnergyLive™, the IPE's web based real-time data delivery product.
Futures & Options On The RTS: Weekly Market Data
Date 18/08/2003
For the period from August 11h to August 15th, 2003, total trading volume on FORTS (Futures & Options on the RTS) Derivatives Market grew by 72% in rubles and 53% in contracts and reached 479 thousand contracts and 3 753 million rubles. Total open interest as of August 15th, 2003, grew 14% in rubles and 8% in contracts and reached 3 743 million rubles and 3 286 thousand contracts (as of August 8th, 2003, the numbers were 3 286 million rubles and 491 thousand contracts)
Copenhagen Stock Exchange Consolidated Profit After Tax Amounted To DKK 29.2 Million For The 1st Half Of 2003
Date 18/08/2003
Today, the Copenhagen Stock Exchange published its interim report for the 1st half of 2003, which shows a consolidated profit after tax of DKK 29.2 million, down from DKK 33.8 million for the first six months of 2002 - a fall of 14 per cent.
CME Electronic Trading Day Longest Among Futures Exchanges Worldwide
Date 18/08/2003
Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. (CME) today announced that it will revise the trading hours on its GLOBEX® electronic trading platform beginning Monday, Sept. 29, 2003. The new schedule adds 45 minutes per day to stock index and weather trading and 30 minutes per day to interest rate and foreign exchange trading.
CBOT Promotes Gemskie To Managing Director
Date 18/08/2003
The Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT®) today announced that Maria Gemskie has been promoted to Managing Director of Communications for the exchange. Ms. Gemskie's responsibilities in this position will include overseeing all media relations and public affairs activities for the exchange, as well as facilitating communication with exchange members and the general public. Gemskie will report to Carol Burke, CBOT Executive Vice President, and Chief of Staff. Previously Gemskie held the position of M
Botswana Stock Exchange Market Commentary
Date 18/08/2003
The market gained marginally on fairly decent volumes. Metsef rose 75t to P14.25 on 111,000 shares.
Axiss Australia Newsletter Issue 71 - 18 August 2003
Date 18/08/2003
Please click here for the latest a2a e-mail newsletter produced by Axiss Australia - a summary of the key events of the past fortnight shaping Australia's position as a global financial services centre in the Asian time zone.
Australian Stock Exchange's "Taking Stock" Edition 12: August 2003 Newsletter
Date 18/08/2003
Taking Stock is the Australian Stock Exchange's newsletter for the stockbroking community available for download in pdf format. The May edition can be downloaded by clicking here.
Toronto Stock Exchange To Open At 9:30am
Date 15/08/2003
The Toronto Stock Exchange will open "business as usual" at 9:30am. If there is a further power interuption, trading will continue on backup power.
Statement From NASDAQ
Date 15/08/2003
The NASDAQ Stock Market, Inc ("NASDAQ" OTCBB: NDAQ) is fully operational and opening according to the normal market schedule, including pre-market trading. NASDAQ's network and data centers were unaffected due to our redundant power backup and distributed market system. We are in continual contact with our customers to confirm their status.
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