Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • SGX Announces New Structure And Management Team

    Date 25/08/2003

    Singapore Exchange Limited (SGX) today announced a new organisation structure and the appointment of new Executive Committee (Exco) members, both to take effect from 1 September 2003.

  • RTS Stock Exchange Order-Driven Market: Weekly Market Data

    Date 25/08/2003

    For the period of August 18th - August 22nd, 2003, total trading volume of direct and indirect transactions (including REPO transactions) increased by 32% and totaled 3 878 million rubles, compared with 2 937 million the previous week. Internet trading accounted for 37% of total trading volume in rubles, up from 33% the previous week. 7 551 transactions were closed, 46% from 5 155 transactions last week.

  • RTS Stock Exchange Classic Market: Weekly Market Data

    Date 25/08/2003

    For the week of August 18th - August 22nd, 2003, the RTS Index closed up 3.11 percent at 526.71 while the RTS Technical Index rose 2.90 percent, from 561.64 to 577.95.

  • RTS Stock Exchange Bonds: Weekly Market Data

    Date 25/08/2003

    For the week of August 18th-August 22nd, 2003, total volume on the RTS Bonds, the system facilitating trading in corporate, governmental, municipal debt, and Eurobonds, jumped from 2 256 to 17 550 thousand rubles. Four trades were registered, compared with just one trade the week before.

  • OneChicago Week In Review

    Date 25/08/2003

    DIAMONDS® Spreads Futures on the DIAMONDS (DIA1C) bid/ask spread performance last week: 5-cent spread on average*, a 7% improvement over the previous week OneChicago DIAMONDS spreads were equal to or tighter than the DIA Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) on AMEX 83% of the time* OneChicago DIAMONDS spreads were equal to or tighter than the DIA ETF on Nasdaq 22% of the time*