Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Standard & Poor's Announces Changes In The S&P/TSX Venture Composite Index

    Date 15/08/2003

    Standard & Poor's will make the following changes in the S&P/TSX Venture Composite Index after the close of trading on Thursday, August 14, 2003:

  • SEC Notice For EDGAR Filers Re: Northeast Power Outage Filing Problems

    Date 15/08/2003

    Many companies were required to file reports or other filings, including those under Sections 13 or 16 of the Exchange Act, on August 14, 2003 or August 15, 2003. We recognize that due to the power outage in the northeast United States and portions of Canada, many filers were unable to submit their filings to us. As power is restored, companies should file or furnish their reports as promptly as possible - which we assume will be today, Friday August 15, or by the latest, Monday, August 18, 2003

  • Philadelphia Stock Exchange Open For Business As Usual, Unaffected By Blackout

    Date 15/08/2003

    The Philadelphia Stock Exchange is open for business as usual today, unaffected by the power outages that have disturbed the eastern United States. Data from yesterday's trading is safe and the Stock Clearing Corporation of Philadelphia (SCCP) processed all trades normally. Equity floor trading continues in the Nasdaq-100 Index Tracking StockSM (QQQ); Standard & Poor's Depository Receipts, SPDR Trust, Series 1 (SPY); and DIAMONDS® Trust, Series 1 (DIA).

  • NYBOT: Trading Hours For Friday, August 15

    Date 15/08/2003

    For Friday, August 15, 2003, the opening of the NYBOT cocoa market begins at 10:00 am (EDST), sugar #14 opens at 10:05 am, and sugar #11 and coffee markets will be opening at 10:15 am (EDST). Cotton and FCOJ will begin trading at their regularly scheduled times. FINEX Dublin trading hours will remain extended until 10:05 am (EDST) and FINEX NY begins trading at 10:05 am (EDST).

  • New York Stock Exchange To Open Friday, August 15th, 2003

    Date 15/08/2003

    The New York Stock Exchange will open Friday, August 15th, 2003.