FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Kuwait Stock Exchange June Trading Report
Date 15/07/1999
The index of Kuwait Stock Exchange reached 1570.3 points at the end of June, an increase of 8.8 points from the end May closing level.
Extension of Consultation Period on Proposed Changes to ertain Chapters of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Listing Rules
Date 15/07/1999
The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong issued a market consultation paper on proposed changes to the Exchange Listing Rules dealing with rule 8.10 (competing business), Chapter 14 (notifiable transactions) and Chapter 17 (share schemes) in May 1999. Following requests from market practitioners, the consultation period will be extended by one month from July 31 to August 31, 1999.
CME Announces Officer Promotions
Date 15/07/1999
The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) has promoted four employees - Edward Gogol, Julie Holrichter, Robert Petrowski and Thomas Tabisz - to Vice President, CME Chairman announced.
Banks buy VPC - strenghtening of the Nordic financial market
Date 15/07/1999
Today, Nordbanken, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken, Svenska Handelsbanken and Swedbank signed an agreement with the Swedish State, Industriförbundet (The Federation of Swedish Industries) and the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, to buy 75 per cent of the shares of Värdepapperscentralen VPC AB (The Swedish Central Securities Depository) for SEK 900 million. In connection with the purchase, the banks will co-operate with the OM Group on how efficiency may be increased as regards the securities market
IPE Fuel Oil Futures Imminent
Date 14/07/1999
A new risk management tool will shortly be made available to the oil and shipping industries - Fuel Oil futures. The IPE Board of Directors has approved the scheduled launch date of 3 September.
French Derivatives Markets Open on July 14
Date 14/07/1999
On Wednesday July 14, which is a French national day, trading in MATIF and MONEP financial futures and related options will be open through the NSC electronic system in accordance with the following timetable:
Amex to Voluntarily Delist 105 Option Classes
Date 14/07/1999
The American Stock Exchange® (Amex®) has announced that it will voluntarily delist 105 option classes from trading. Delisting of multiply-listed options will be effective on the Amex trading floor at the close of business on Wednesday, July 14, 1999. Delisting of singly-listed options on the Amex will be effective upon the expiration of each options' furthest term series.
Warsaw Stock Exchange Signs A Memorandum of Co-operation with London
Date 13/07/1999
On July 12, 1999 in Warsaw, Dr Wieslaw Rozlucki, President and CEO of the Warsaw Stock Exchange and Sir John Kemp-Welch, Chairman of the London Stock Exchange signed a Memorandum of Co-operation between the Warsaw Stock Exchange and the London Stock Exchange Ltd.
Toronto Stock Exchange Circuit Breaker Levels for the Third Quarter
Date 13/07/1999
It is the policy of The Toronto Stock Exchange to co-ordinate with U.S. markets when circuit breakers are invoked. The circuit breaker trigger points are set at three fluctuating levels representing 10%, 20% and 30% of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA). The levels are calculated by the NYSE at the beginning of each calendar quarter, using the average closing value of the DJIA for the preceding month. Each trigger is rounded to the nearest 50 points.
Osaka Mercantile Exchange Weekly RSS3 Futures/Rubber Index Futures Report
Date 13/07/1999
RSS3 Futures: Distant month: opening 77.7 yen, a high 77.9 yen (Jul.5), low 72.5 yen (Jul. 8), closing 74.7 yen. Index Futures: Distant month: opening 72.20, a high 72.40 (Jul.5), a low 67.70 (Jul. 8), closing 68.70 points.
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