Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Botswana Stock Exchange Company News

    Date 04/02/2001

    Chobe Holdings listed an additional 856 477 ordinary shares of P0.01 each on the Botswana Stock Exchange on 02 February 2001. The shares were issued to those shareholders who accepted the capitalisation option instead of the cash dividend in terms of the circular sent to shareholders in December 2000.

  • Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Establishes Pit Trade Volume Records For The Month Of January

    Date 02/02/2001

    Winnipeg Commodity Exchange (WCE) exceeded previous records established for the month of January in canola futures, total futures, and futures and options combined.

  • The American Stock Exchange Launches New Exchange-Traded Fund That Will Track REITs

    Date 02/02/2001

    The American Stock Exchange® (Amex®),the leader and pioneer in exchange-traded funds (ETFs), today announced that it will begin trading in a new Barclays Global Investors’ iSharesSM Cohen & Steers Realty Majors Index Fund. This new ETF tracks the real estate investment trust (REIT) sector, and is listed under the ticker symbol ICF.

  • Stock Exchange of Thailand Summary of Securities Trading in January 2001

    Date 02/02/2001

    The Stock Exchange of Thailand today released the official figures of securities trading for the month of January 2001, which recorded the total market turnover of 26,714.86 million shares in volume and 263,024.77 million baht in value. The SET Index closed on January 31 at 332.77, up by 63.58 points or 23.62 % from the previous month. Hana Microelectronics (HANA)was the most active stock with total trading volume of 107,356,300 shares, representing Bht.10,711.00 million in value. Yuanta Securit

  • Singapore Exchange Derivatives Trading Enjoys Strong Growth In Jan 2001 Taiwan Index Futures Breaks Monthly Records

    Date 02/02/2001

    Singapore Exchange Derivatives Trading (SGX-DT) is pleased to announce strong trading volumes for the month of January as compared to the same month last year. Total volume of contracts traded in January 2001 increased by 5.6% to 2,465,832 over 2,334,573 traded in January 2000.