Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • NZSE Will Open On Mondays December 24 And 31

    Date 28/11/2001

    The New Zealand Stock Exchange (NZSE) will open for a half-day on both Christrnas Eve and New Year's Eve.

  • NYMEX: Exchange Changes Termination Date For The FTSE Eurotop 100® And 300® Futures Contracts

    Date 28/11/2001

    The New York Mercantile Exchange announced today that it would change the expiration of its FTSE Eurotop 100® and 300® December 2001 futures contracts to 11:00 A.M. on Thursday, December 20, from 7:00 A.M., Friday, December 21, due to the abbreviated trading hours.

  • Nymex To Increase Light, Sweet Crude Oil And Natural Gas Margins

    Date 28/11/2001

    The New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., today announced that it would raise the margins on its natural gas and light, sweet crude oil futures contracts at the close of business tomorrow.

  • New Index Completes FTSE/Xinhua China A All-Share series

    Date 28/11/2001

    FTSE/Xinhua Index Ltd, (FXI) the joint venture company formed between global index provider FTSE Group, and Chinese market specialists, Xinhua Financial Network, today launch the world's first transparent index to measure the performance of small cap domestic Chinese stocks.

  • HKEx: Listing Rules And Trading Rules For Derivative Warrants Amended

    Date 28/11/2001

    Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) will introduce a requirement for derivative warrant issuers to provide liquidity for warrants that they have listed. This, and easing some of the restrictions in the placing guidelines for derivative warrants are the major amendments to the Listing Rules for derivative warrants that follow a market consultation in May 2001. Amendments to The Rules of the Exchange will also be made to support these changes.

  • HKEx: Amendments To Chapter 15a Of The Main Board Listing Rules - Derivative Warrants

    Date 28/11/2001

    The Exchange has amended Chapter 15A of the Main Board Listing Rules, which deals with the listing of derivative warrants.

  • HEX Reforms Market Supervision

    Date 28/11/2001

    Helsinki Exchanges and Finnish Central Securities Depository (APK) of HEX Group are reforming and extending their market supervision. The Ministry of Finance has ratified changes to the regulations that transfer the disciplinary powers of Helsinki Exchanges' Chief Executive to the Disciplinary Board and its Secretary. At the same time, the powers of the Disciplinary Board are being extended to cover Helsinki Exchanges' derivatives operations. Corresponding changes will also come into force at AP

  • Euronext Paris switches to FTSE® Global Classification System, And Announces Revised Classification Of Its French Equities

    Date 28/11/2001

    Euronext Paris on 22 November 2001 published details of the 817 domestic stocks listed in Paris to be reclassified according to the newly- adopted FTSE Global Classification System. The new system will be introduced on 1 January 2002 for French companies on all Euronext Paris markets -- the Premier Marché, Second Marché and Nouveau Marché.

  • CME Posts Second Busiest Day In History And Sets Open Interest Record

    Date 28/11/2001

    Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. (CME) recorded the second busiest day in its 103-year history yesterday, Nov. 27, with 3,277,574 contracts changing hands. Earlier this month, CME had the busiest day in its history when 3,327,358 contracts were traded on Nov. 15. Yesterday also was the fourth time in the exchange's history that volume has surpassed 3 million contracts in one trading session.

  • CME Plans Launch Of 'Side-By-Side,' Electronic Lean Hogs Trading On March 4, Adds Electronic Live Cattle, Feeder Cattle, Dairy

    Date 28/11/2001

    Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. (CME) plans to launch "side-by-side" electronic and open outcry trading of standard-sized lean hogs futures contracts on Monday, March 4, 2002. The exchange will also begin side-by-side trading of live cattle and feeder cattle futures that day. In addition, electronic versions of CME's dairy products will be listed for trading side-by-side with the floor trading of the products at a date to be determined.