Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • SEC Fee Rate Advisory #9 For Fiscal Year 2002

    Date 01/03/2002

    As required by the recently enacted "Investor and Capital Markets Fee Relief Act," the Commission must make a mid-year adjustment to the Section 31 transaction fee rate. Effective April 1, 2002, the revised Section 31 transaction fee rate will be $30.10 per million.

  • Oslo Børs Admission of Q-free To Listing

    Date 01/03/2002

    At a meeting on 27 February 2002 the Board of Oslo Børs adopted a decision with the following conclusion: The Board of Oslo Børs decided to admit the shares of Q-free ASA to Oslo Børs´s main list. This was on the assumption that the company carried out the planned issue as intended, and that a sufficient spread of its shares was achieved. If the spread requirements set for the main list are not met, the company will be admitted to the SMB list. The President of Oslo Børs is authorised to det

  • Market Regulation Services Inc (RS) Charged With Ensuring A Fair And Orderly Marketplace For All Equity Trading In Canada

    Date 01/03/2002

    Effective today, the new independent national market regulator, Market Regulation Services Inc (RS), is charged with ensuring a fair and orderly marketplace for all equity trading that occurs in Canada. RS's operational departments include: Investigations and Enforcement, Market Surveillance, and Regulatory and Market Policy. Together, these departments investigate market irregularities, complaints and ensure trading compliance with market rules, policies and securities laws.

  • LIFFE Launches Four New Individual Equity Options

    Date 01/03/2002

    The London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE) has announced it will launch four new Individual Equity Options on 21 March 2002.

  • HEX Group Results For The Financial Year 2001

    Date 01/03/2002

    The HEX Group continued to perform well despite the tightened market situation. The good result was supported by continually active equity trading, a steady demand for Finnish derivatives products on Eurex and the increasing demand for electronic market information. Costs rose driven by strong growth in business operations, preparations for an increased demand for capacity, and investments in new business activities.