Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Bolsa De Madrid Trades 23 New Warrants

    Date 19/03/2004

    Bolsa de Madrid today began trading 23 new warrants issued by Bankinter.

  • American Stock Exchange Reports Increase In Short Interest

    Date 19/03/2004

    The American Stock Exchange (Amex) member and non-member organizations today reported short interest of 955,673,957 shares as of the March 15 settlement date, an increase of 72,223,184 from the 883,450,773 (adjusted) shares reported in mid-February. The March figure represents trades through March 10, 2004.

  • UK's Financial Services Authority Statement On Market Timing

    Date 18/03/2004

    The Financial Services Authority's investigation into market timing has found no evidence of illegal, late trading but has found some evidence of market timing in UK authorised collective investment schemes (CIS). Market timing does not appear to have been a major source of detriment to long term investors.

  • TSX Congratulates Canada-EU Governments Framework For Trade And Investment Enhancement Agreement - Furthers Proposal For Mutual Recognition Of Stock Exchanges

    Date 18/03/2004

    The prospect of Canadian and European exchanges recognizing each others' rules took a major step forward today. International Trade Minister Jim Peterson and European Union Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy have agreed on a framework for negotiation of the Canada-EU Trade and Investment Enhancement Agreement made public at a summit today in Ottawa. The deal will set the stage to remove non-tariff barriers to trade by allowing mutual recognition of professional qualifications and quality standard

  • Tokyo Grain Exchange And Chicago Board Of Trade Sign MOU

    Date 18/03/2004

    The Tokyo Grain Exchange (TGE) and the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT®) announced today that they signed a Memorandum of Understanding. Participating in today’s signing ceremony, which took place at the Futures Industry Association’s annual conference, were TGE Senior Executive Vice President Masanori Hayashi and CBOT President and CEO Bernard W. Dan.