Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Euronext 2004 Half Year Revenues Amount To €462.6m, Up 2.3% YOY - Euronext 2nd Quarter 2004 Revenues Amount To €225.9m

    Date 13/08/2004

    Euronext NV half-year revenues progress from €452.1m in 2003, to €462.6m this year on a full comparable basis, owing to the strong performance namely in sales of software, the recovery in the listing activity and to the satisfactory derivatives income. Revenues for the second quarter of 2004 reach €225.9m, compared to the €238m (pro forma revenues) achieved during the same period in 2003. This is due to the slowdown of the worldwide financial markets activity, impacting mainly the cash side, s

  • Eurex US Modifies Wholesale Trading Facility - Nandapurkar: Changes To Improve Exchange Traded And Wholesale Markets In US Treasury Products

    Date 13/08/2004

    Eurex US, the fully-electronic U.S. futures and options exchange, announced today that the exchange would make modifications to its wholesale trading facility effective August 16. These modifications are designed to stimulate trading activity in over-the-counter (OTC) wholesale trades on the exchange and to further increase the diversity of trading on Eurex US. The Eurex US wholesale trading facility enables institutional end users greater flexibility in executing treasury futures tran

  • Boston Options Exchange Newsletter

    Date 13/08/2004

    The most recent BOX newsletter (number 9), providing details on the first six months of trading on BOX, may be viewed by clicking here.

  • Alstom Shares Increase In The S&P European Indices

    Date 13/08/2004

    Standard & Poor’s will make the following changes in the S&P Europe 350, S&P Euro Plus and S&P Euro indices effective the close of trading Tuesday, August 17, 2004: Alstom (France, SEDOL: 5474978, GICS: Industrials, GICS Code: 20104020), a member of the S&P Europe 350, S&P Euro Plus and S&P Euro indices, shares will increase by 511,315,045 to 5,440,717,829. This is following the company’s financial restructuring, and it is the result of Alstom’s offer to its creditors to exchange the

  • Standard & Poor’s Announces Float Adjustment Schedule For S&P 500 And Affiliated Indices

    Date 12/08/2004

    Moving forward on its commitment to bringing the world’s most recognized index to full float adjustment within an 18 month transition period, Standard & Poor’s - the leading provider of independent investment research, ratings and indices - released today the schedule for publication of information on the float adjustment of the S&P 500 and its affiliated U.S. indices.