FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
OneChicago Week In Review
Date 17/11/2003
DIAMONDS® Spreads Futures on the DIAMONDS (DIA1C) bid/ask spread performance last week: 6.2-cent spread on average* OneChicago DIAMONDS spreads were equal to or tighter than the DIA Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) on AMEX 68% of the time* OneChicago DIAMONDS spreads were equal to or tighter than the DIA ETF on Nasdaq 11% of the time*
OneChicago Trading Hours And Calendar
Date 17/11/2003
OneChicago will be closed Thursday, November 27 for Thanksgiving and will close early Friday, November 28.
OMHEX Statement Regarding Decision By Stockholmsbörsen's Disciplinary Committee
Date 17/11/2003
In March this year OMHEX (formerly OM) announced a reorganization that involved a new way of working and resulted in redundancies. Stockholmsbörsen investigated the information dissemination regarding the reorganization and deemed that OM had released information too late. The matter was considered to be minor, which is why Stockholmsbörsen directed criticism against OM but did not submit the matter to Stockholmsbörsen's disciplinary committee. Stockholmsbörsen informed the Swedish Financial Sup
NYBOT Announces Revised New Year's Holiday Schedule
Date 17/11/2003
The New York Board of Trade® (NYBOT®) announced today its revised New Year's holiday trading schedule for its Coffee, Sugar, Cocoa and Cotton markets (to be closed on Friday, January 2, 2004).
NYBOT Announces Removal Of Moratorium At International Coffee Warehouse (Aka Entire) In The Port Of Miami
Date 17/11/2003
The New York Board of Trade® (NYBOT®), the world's leading "soft" commodities exchange, announced today that it has approved the removal of the moratorium previously placed on International Coffee Warehouse (also know as Entire), located at 3600 NW 59th Street in the Port of Miami, effective immediately.
New Settlement Model For German Market Successfully Launched - Consistent Further Development Of Settlement Market
Date 17/11/2003
Clearstream Banking Frankfurt and the German Bundesbank have successfully introduced the new settlement model for the German market: The nighttime-processing on November 14 took place on the basis of the new model for the first time. With a newly created link between Clearstream Banking AG and the German Bundesbank, central bank liquidity not used to date is used for securities settlement and further boosts the efficiency and security of settlement for securities tradable in the German
Market Abuse: European Commission Publishes Working Document On Second Set Of Implementing Measures
Date 17/11/2003
The European Commission has published its latest working document on how the Directive on market abuse, which was adopted in December 2002 (see IP/02/1789) and entered into force in April 2003, should be implemented. The Directive aims to protect markets against insider dealing and market manipulation. In line with new procedures for developing and applying EU securities legislation (see IP/02/195), the working document on a second
International Securities Exchange To List Options On Chicago Mercantile Exchange
Date 17/11/2003
The International Securities Exchange (ISE) said that it will list options on Chicago Mercantile Exchange Holding Inc. (CME) on Tuesday. Options on CME, which were allocated to Timber Hill, will trade in bin 7 on a March expiration cycle with position and exercise limits of 22,500.
Futures & Options On The RTS Stock Exchange: Weekly Market Data
Date 17/11/2003
For the week of November 10th - November 14th, 2003, total trading volume on FORTS (Futures & Options on the RTS) reached 650 thousand contracts and 4 700 million rubles, compared with 774 thousand contracts and 5 259 million rubles the week before. Total open interest as of November 14th, 2003, equaled 4 185 million rubles and 652 thousand contracts (as of November 6th, 2003, the numbers were 4 220 million rubles and 664 thousand contracts).
Eurex Repo Launches New User Interface - Outstanding Euro Volume Up 55 Percent Number Of Participants Rises To 148
Date 17/11/2003
The financial-services provider Eurex Repo, a subsidiary of the derivatives exchange Eurex, introduced a new user interface on Monday for trading in euro and Swiss franc repos, the so-called Collateral Overview. Eurex Repo participants can use the new interface to trade securities and delivery baskets faster and with greater flexibility, since all segments can be assigned according to the customers' needs. Collateral Overview enables customers to set up their workstation for a perfect fit to mee
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