FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Palestine Securities Exchange Weekly Report
Date 22/02/2007
Click here to download the Palestine Securities Exchange weekly report.
SuperDerivatives Opens Mumbai Office And Data Center To Support Expanding Indian Customer Base
Date 22/02/2007
SuperDerivatives, the benchmark for options and leading derivatives solution provider for option pricing, independent revaluation, trading and risk management systems, today announced the opening in Mumbai of a sales and support office, together with a dedicated data center, to support the company's rapidly expanding customer base in India.
Euroclear: New Low-Cost, High-Quality Services For ‘Fundsettle Premier’ Labelled Funds
Date 22/02/2007
Euroclear, with the support of leading fund promoters and transfer agents, is introducing an investment fund ‘quality label’ programme to accelerate automation and STP in fund-transaction processing. Beginning in April 2007, transactions in funds carrying the FundSettle™ Premier quality label will cost significantly less to process, while receiving superior service levels.
HKEx Seeks Qualified Applicants For Feasibility Study On Trading Of Commodities Derivatives And Emissions-Related Products In Hong Kong
Date 22/02/2007
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) is seeking qualified consultants to study the feasibility of trading commodities derivatives and emissions-related products in Hong Kong. HKEx plans to shortlist the most-qualified consultants and invite them to submit full study proposals. The successful consultant(s) will be responsible for managing and conducting the study*.
LCH.Clearnet Announces Further 23% Clearing Fee Reductions On London Equity Markets
Date 22/02/2007
LCH.Clearnet, the leading European central counterparty, is pleased to announce further reductions in clearing fees. These reductions, which again emphasise our determination to deliver value at competitive prices, will come into effect on 1 July 2007.
Launch Of Reuters Africa – A New Pan-African News And Financial Data Website
Date 22/02/2007
Reuters (LSE: RTR.L; Nasdaq: RTRSY), the global news and information company, today announced the launch of Reuters Africa -- a new commercial website dedicated to pan-African news and financial data.
Bank Of Russia To Soon Begin To Provide Collateral Credits Using The MICEX Trading System
Date 22/02/2007
The Bank of Russia and the MICEX Settlement House have signed an agreement of cooperation, under which the two organizations will interact in providing credits of the Bank of Russia to lending institutions. This will enable to organize, through the MICEX SH, the service of collateral crediting transactions concluded in accordance with the Statute of the Bank of Russia #236-P of 4 August 2003 “On the Order of Providing the Bank of Russia’s Credits to Lending Institutions, Covered by Collateral
Standard & Poor's Announces Changes In S&P/TSX Canadian Indices
Date 21/02/2007
Standard & Poor's Canadian Index Operations announces the following index changes: The shareholders of Bema Gold Corporation (TSX:BGO) have accepted the arrangement agreement with Kinross Gold Corporation (TSX:K). Bema Gold Corporation will be removed from the S&P/TSX Composite and Capped Composite, the S&P/TSX Equity, Capped Equity and Equity MidCap, the S&P/TSX MidCap, the S&P/TSX Capped Materials and the STP/TSX Global Gold Indices. First Quantum Minerals Ltd. (TSX:FM) will replace
CalPERS Commits $400 Million Each To Cleantech, Emerging Market Ventures
Date 21/02/2007
The California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) will commit $400 million each to two new private equity vehicles – one focusing on clean energy and technology investments, and the other on global emerging markets.
Standard & Poor's Announces Changes In The S&P/TSX Venture Composite Index
Date 21/02/2007
Standard & Poor's will make the following changes in the S&P/TSX Venture Composite Index after the close of trading on Wednesday, February 21, 2007: Twenty-Seven Capital Corp. (TSXVN:TSC) will be removed from the index. The company will graduate to the TSX as its shares will be exchanged for shares of Mega Uranium Ltd. (TSX:MGA).
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