FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
New Names Of The Legal Entities Within OMX Nordic Exchange
Date 13/04/2007
As of July 1, 2007, the names of the legal entities within the OMX Nordic Exchange will be changed to reflect the common Nordic offering.
CESR Re-Consults On The Draft Recommendations For Inducements Under MiFID
Date 13/04/2007
In its consultation paper Inducements under MiFID published in December 2006 (CESR/06-687), CESR explained that it was considering issuing recommendations to its Members with the aim of fostering supervisory convergence and consistent implementation of Article 26 of the MiFID Level 2 Directive. CESR is in the process of finalising these recommendations.
Closure Of Bursa Malaysia Berhad - Market Holiday
Date 13/04/2007
Bursa Malaysia Berhad would like to announce that it will be closed in conjunction with the following public holidays Date Public Holiday Thursday, 26 April 2007 Installation of His Majesty The Yang Dipertuan Agong XIII Tuesday, 1 May 2007 Wednesday, 2 May 2007
Ibovespa Breaks New Record: 47,346 Points
Date 12/04/2007
The Ibovespa Stock Index ended the day up 0.87% at 47,346 points, the highest close since April 10, when it reached 47,174 points. The value traded in the session amounted to BRL 3.1 billion.
Company Share Changes In The S&P/CITIC 300 Index
Date 12/04/2007
S&P/CITIC Index Information Services Co., Ltd. will make the following changes in the S&P/CITIC 300 Index effective after the close of trading on Friday April 13, 2007.
Statement Of The Securities And Exchange Commission On The Death Of Former Commissioner J. Carter Beese, Jr.
Date 12/04/2007
The Commission released the following statement on the death of former Commissioner J. Carter Beese, Jr.: STATEMENT OF THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION April 12, 2007 Christopher Cox, Chairman Paul S. Atkins Roel C. Campos Annette L. Nazareth Kathleen L. Casey The Commission notes with great sadness the death on Sunday, April 8th, of J. Carter Beese, Jr., who served as a Commissioner fro
CFTC Chairman Reuben Jeffery III Announces The Appointment Of Michael J. Otten As Counsel To The Chairman
Date 12/04/2007
Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Chairman Reuben Jeffery III today announced the selection of Michael J. Otten to be Counsel to the Chairman, effective immediately. Mr. Otten replaces Terry Arbit who was appointed Deputy General Counsel for Regulation and Administration.
Resolutions From OMX AB’s AGM
Date 12/04/2007
The OMX Annual General Meeting (AGM) convened earlier today in Stockholm and voted in favor of all resolutions proposed at the meeting, including:
Hedge Funds - New Regulatory Challenge: Speech By Dan Waters, IOSCO AGM Chair Of SC5 Sub Committee On Hedge Fund Valuation Director Of Retail Policy And Asset Management Sector Leader, FSA, IOSCO AGM, Thursday 12 April, 2007
Date 12/04/2007
Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen and thank you to both IOSCO and SEBI for inviting me to present here today. My name is Dan Waters and as chair of the IOSCO Hedge Fund Valuation Sub Committee, I have been asked to speak about the "Principles for the valuation for hedge fund portfolios", which IOSCO published last month and which is currently open for public comment. I would encourage all who feel they can make a contribution to any aspect of the nine Principles, to submit their comments online
OMX And SIFR Institutes ”The Olof Stenhammar Professorship In Financial Entrepreneurship”
Date 12/04/2007
OMX and Swedish Institute for Financial Research, SIFR, institutes “The Olof Stenhammar professorship in financial entrepreneurship”. The possessor of the professorship will conduct research in financial entrepreneurship and promote research and higher education in financial economics and also promote debate about the financial sector.
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