Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:


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Final dividend
The dividend paid by a company at the end of its financial year, recommended by the directors, but authorised by the shareholders at the company’s Annual General Meeting.
Financial future
A futures contract based on a financial instrument.
Financial Services Action Plan (FSAP)
The FSAP is the European Commission’s response towards improving the single market in financial services. Adopted in 1999, the FSAP contains a list of 42 measures to be implemented, grouped around four strategic objectives (retail markets; wholesale; prudential rules and supervision; and wider conditions for an optimal single financial market). The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive forms a major part of the implementation of the FSAP.
Firm quote
A market-maker’s quote which is a price which he/she is committed to deal.
First notice day
The first day on which notices of intention to deliver actual commodities against futures market positions can be received.
Fixed-interest security
A security or bond which offers an annual guaranteed interest payment. There is usually a fixed date at which the bond is redeemed.
Flash order
Flash order is a term used to describe a trading venue sending buy or sell orders to a select group of traders fractions of a second before revealing them publicly.
Flash trade
Flash trade is a term used to describe a trading venue sending buy or sell orders to a select group of traders fractions of a second before revealing them publicly.
Flexible exchange (FLEX) option
A semi-customised, exchange-traded put or call option issued by a clearing house. Customisation is limited to expiration date, strike and exercise style (European or American).
An agreement with a counterparty that sets a lower limit to interest rates for the floor buyer for a stated time period.
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