Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Exchange Directory

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  • S&P Dow Jones Indexes

    Dow Jones Indexes is a unit of Dow Jones & Company (, a News Corporation company. Dow Jones Indexes develops and maintains a wide range of market indexes, many of which are used as the basis for index-linked investment products such as mutual funds, exchange-traded funds,... see more

  • Santiago Stock Exchange

    The Exchange is an open stock company made up of 48 shares. Its equity is currently held by 48 shareholders, of which 31 are brokerage houses that operate within the organisation.

  • Sapporo Securities Exchange

    The Sapporo Stock Exchange is a corporation of a membership organization whose members are financial instruments business operators. It was established under a license based on the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and its business operations are also supervised by the Prime Minis... see more

  • Saudi Stock Exchange (Tadawul)

    On 2/6/1424H (corresponds to 31 July 2003), the Capital Market Authority was established pursuant to the 'Capital Market Law' which was promulgated by Royal Decree Number (M/30). CMA, which reports directly to the chairman of the Council of Ministers, represents the government apparatus w... see more

  • Shanghai Futures Exchange

    The SHFE is a self-regulated non-profit entity. The Board of Directors supervises the implementation of Members Meeting's resolutions and the operation of the Exchange, reporting to the the Members Meeting. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman are nominated by the China Securities Regulatory Co... see more

  • Shanghai Gold Exchange

    The Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE) is a not-for-profit organisation overseen by the People's Bank of China The SGE is a membership-based organization with two basic types of members: Domestic Members and International Members. Domestic members include Financial Members, General Members, Pr... see more

  • Shanghai Stock Exchange

    The General Assembly is the top authority of the organisation. The Board of Governors, which consists of one chairman and ten members, is responsible for decision-making. The president is the legal representative responsible for daily operation.

  • Shenzhen Stock Exchange

    The Shenzhen Stock Exchange is a membership organisation under the direct administration of China Securities Regulatory Commission, the regulator of securities market in the country. Under the Securities Law, the president and vice-presidents of stock exchanges are appointed by the CSRC.... see more

  • SIX Swiss Exchange

    Since January 2008 SIX Swiss Exchange AG (formerly SWX Swiss Exchange AG) has been part of the Cash Market Division of Swiss Financial Market Services AG, now SIX Group AG. SIX Group AG, formed by a merger between SWX Group, SIS Group and Telekurs Group, also holds stakes in some of Euro... see more

  • South Pacific Stock Exchange

    The SPX is organised in the form of a private company limited by shares. It operates under a board of directors representing the members and shareholders of the Exchange. The eight shareholders of the Exchange hold one share each with equal rights and privileges. Membership of the SPX is... see more

  • Standard & Poor's

    Standard & Poor's is a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies.

  • Stock Exchange of Mauritius

    SEM is a demutualised exchange and is constituted as a public company. The Board of SEM is the focal point of the corporate governance system and is ultimately accountable and responsible for the performance and affairs of the Company. In accordance with Section 3.1 of the Code of Corpora... see more

  • Stock Exchange of Thailand

    The Stock Exchange of Thailand is a legal entity and self-regulatory organisation. SET's Board of Governors consists of eleven people. Five of them are appointed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and another five are elected by SET member companies. The SET President, appoi... see more


    STOXX became part of Qontigo in September 2019. Qontigo was created in 2019 through the combination of Axioma, DAX and STOXX, Qontigo is part of Deutsche Börse Group