FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
Exchange Directory
Pakistan Mercantile Exchange
NCEL's current shareholders are: National Bank of Pakistan Zarai Taraqiati Bank Pak Kuwait Investment Company Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad Stock Exchanges NCEL is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP). It has 301 members.
Pakistan Stock Exchange
Some 40% of the ownership of the ownership of ?Pakistan Stock Exchange is comprised of a consortium of Chinese investors (Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and the China Financial Futures Exchange), and 60% by general public, which includes initial shareholders, local and... see more
Panama Stock Exchange
The Board of Directors is made up of 9 members that are chosen on the annual shareholders assembly for a two year period. One of the directors is always designed by the National Bank of Panama. The directors are chosen four in one year and four the following so that there can be continuit... see more
PFTS Stock Exchange
Decision-making at the PFTS Stock Exchange occurs at General Meetings of PFTS members. The Board of Directors and the PFTS Council (15 members), an elective and joint body of the PFTS Stock Exchange, govern the PFTS between the General Meetings. All policies and new rules must gain Counci... see more
Philippine Stock Exchange
The Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc is a stock corporation governed by a Board of Directors composed of 15 individuals elected by the stockholders at their annual meeting. As provided under the Securities Regulation Code (SRC), at least 51% or eight of the members of the Board are non-brok... see more
Prague Energy Exchange
In 2016, PXE became part of the EEX Group. PXE continues to cooperate closely with entities of the PX group, which includes Burza cenných papíru Praha, a.s., (the Prague Stock Exchange, PSE) - one-third owner of PXE, and Centrální depozitár cenných papíru, a.s. (the Central Securities De... see more
Prague Stock Exchange
The PSE is a joint stock company. The supreme body of the Exchange is the general meeting of shareholders. Its most important powers include decision-making on an increase or reduction in the registered capital value, on membership of the Exchange Chamber and supervisory board, and other... see more