FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
Exchange Directory
Kazakhstan Stock Exchange
The major governing body of the KASE is the general shareholders meeting. The major supervisory body is the KASE Board of Directors (Exchange Council). KASE's management is responsible for the day to day running of the exchange. Shareholdings (at 1 February 2011) authorised shares -... see more
Korea Exchange
Final authority rests with the shareholders at the general meeting of the KRX, which is empowered to amend the KRX constitution and to approve its financial statements. The board of directors decides the major corporate policies such as planning, the budget and the KRX regulations. The 15... see more
Kyrgyz Stock Exchange
The administrative bodies of the KSE are: Shareholders General Assembly: main administrative body. Board of Directors: supervisory body. President: individual body. At present the KSE is a non-profit joint stock company of a closed type, having 17 shareholders.