FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Bursa Malaysia Introduces API Gateway For Enhanced Investors’ Onboarding Experience - Quicker Account Activation And Real-Time Trading Enablement For Retail Investors
Date 24/05/2024
Bursa Malaysia Berhad (“Bursa Malaysia” or the “Exchange”) has recently introduced an Application Programming Interface (“API”) or API Gateway to increase the efficiency of the Central Depository System (“CDS”) account management processes by Participating Organisations (“PO”) or brokers. This initiative is part of the Exchange’s leverage of technology to enhance the experience for CDS account holders, towards growing investor participation in the equities market.
JPX Market Innovation & Research: Addition Of New Data Datasets To Data Distribution Service J-Quants Pro For Corporate Users
Date 24/05/2024
Today, May 24, 2024, JPXI has added three new data datasets to J-Quants Pro, which is a service that distributes financial data related to the Japanese market to corporate users in an easy-to-use manner.
Statement Of CFTC Commissioner Caroline D. Pham On Reasonable Accommodation
Date 23/05/2024
Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Commissioner Caroline D. Pham released the following statement regarding the CFTC’s administrative order regarding J.P. Morgan Securities LLC announced today:
“I find it deeply disturbing that the CFTC did not provide reasonable accommodation to respect a religious holiday. The CFTC demanded that legal submissions be produced on Yom Kippur. I do not believe the CFTC would have done the same thing if it were Christmas Day. This raises concerns regarding unequal treatment under the law based on religion. The CFTC is not above the Constitution—no matter what. These actions are yet another example of why I have called for a GAO study on the CFTC’s internal procedures. While I support this significant settlement and remind all registrants that they must ensure diligent supervision under our regulations, that is no excuse for the CFTC’s apparent lack of respect for rights.”
Statement Of CFTC Commissioner Kristin N. Johnson On Settlement Agreement Resolving Enforcement Action On Compliance And Supervision Failures
Date 23/05/2024
Today, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (Commission or CFTC) announced a settlement agreement with J.P. Morgan Securities LLC (J.P. Morgan) following over a decade of trade surveillance supervision failures in violation of Regulation 166.3.
CFTC Orders J.P. Morgan To Pay $200 Million For Supervision Failures - CFTC Finds J.P. Morgan Failed To Surveil Billions Of Client Orders On A U.S. Designated Contract Market
Date 23/05/2024
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission today issued an order simultaneously filing and settling charges against J.P. Morgan Securities LLC, a registered futures commission merchant and swap dealer, for failing diligently to supervise its business as a CFTC registrant, resulting in J.P. Morgan failing to capture billions of orders in its surveillance systems.
Commentary On The SEC's Approval Of Ethereum ETFs: Greg Moritz, COO And Co-founder, Alt Tab Capital
Date 23/05/2024
Greg Moritz commented “The SEC's approval of Ethereum spot ETFs is a huge win for investors everywhere. There is massive demand for digital assets and for too long access to them has been restricted to either the technically savvy or the already wealthy. We see the largest financial institutions in the world creating products to meet that demand and now we see a regulatory decision that embraces progress.
“Perhaps the more interesting question the ETF approval poses, is that if it is possible for ETH, what other altcoins is it possible for?”
Robinhood Markets, Inc. To Present At The Deutsche Bank Global Financial Services Conference On May 30, 2024
Date 23/05/2024
Robinhood Markets, Inc. (“Robinhood”) (NASDAQ: HOOD) today announced that it will be participating in the upcoming Deutsche Bank Global Financial Services Conference on Thursday, May 30, 2024.
FSB: RCG Sub-Saharan Africa Group Discusses Cross-Border Payments, Artificial Intelligence And Climate-Related Risks
Date 23/05/2024
The Financial Stability Board (FSB) Regional Consultative Group (RCG) for Sub-Saharan Africa met in Dakar, Senegal. The FSB RCG for Sub-Saharan Africa would like to thank Governor Jean-Claude Kassi Brou and the BCEAO for hosting the meeting for the first time.
Statement Of CFTC Commissioner Caroline D. Pham At The 2024 CFTC Chairman’s Honorary Awards Ceremony
Date 23/05/2024
Hello, and thank you to Chairman Behnam, David, Laura, Patti, the awards committee, and the Logistics & Operations team for making today’s awards so special for the agency. I echo my fellow Commissioners on congratulating all of the winners and nominees. I celebrate and honor the 83 exceptional CFTC employees and their well-deserved recognition across both individual and team awards. It was my privilege to participate in person last year in the CFTC’s New York Office to present the Chairman’s Awards and personally thank each honoree. What is particularly meaningful to me about the Chairman’s Awards is that they celebrate excellence, one of my core values throughout my life. Although we should celebrate excellence every day, I’m so glad we are making the time to take this day to recognize the accomplishments of our staff. More than anything else, we achieve our mission by our people.
Remarks Of CFTC Enforcement Director Ian McGinley At The City Bar White Collar Institute: “Trends In The CFTC’s Recent Crypto Enforcement Actions”
Date 23/05/2024
Thank you for that introduction. As is customary, I’ll start with the standard disclaimer: These comments are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), its Commissioners, or CFTC staff.