FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Deutsche Börse: On The Passing Of Rolf-E. Breuer
Date 24/05/2024
Rolf-E. Breuer passed away on 22 May 2024 at the age of 86.
Firms To Recommence GAP Insurance Sales Following UK Financial Conduct Authority Action
Date 24/05/2024
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has confirmed that several firms have been permitted to recommence their sales of Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP) insurance, following action by the regulator to improve fair value.
UK HM Treasury And European Commission Joint Statement On The Second EU-UK Financial Regulatory Forum
Date 24/05/2024
This joint statement between HM Treasury and the European Commission is a public record of what has been covered at the second EU-UK Financial Regulatory Forum on 24 May 2024. This forum was established following the signing of the UK-EU Memorandum of Understanding on Financial Services Cooperation on 27 June 2023.
SET To Mark 50th Year Anniversary, Embracing Future Opportunities For All
Date 24/05/2024
The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) will commemorate its 50th anniversary, under the concept “Make it ‘Work’ for Every Future”, moving towards inclusive growth and sustainability. SET has outlined comprehensive action plans aiming at enhancing its regional exchange status and broadening fundraising opportunities for businesses of all sizes, both domestically and internationally, which includes limited to large family businesses, foreign firms operating in Thailand, SMEs, and startups. The plan leverages on Thailand's economic strengths, developing a digital-driving capital market on top of the traditional one, improving operational efficiency and oversight, and adopting advanced generative AI technology.
UK Financial Conduct Authority Publishes Decision Notices Against Two Individuals For Acting Without Integrity In Relation To Pensions Business
Date 24/05/2024
Both individuals have referred the Decision Notices to the Upper Tribunal. Any findings in the Decision Notices are therefore provisional and reflect the FCA’s belief as to what occurred and how it considers their behaviour should be characterised. However, as is noted on Mr Burdett’s Decision Notice, there are certain allegations and findings that are no longer being pursued by the FCA before the Tribunal.
EU AI Act - More Than Half Of European Financial Services Firms Do Not Want Strict AI Regulation, Finds Broadridge
Date 24/05/2024
This week the European Council approved the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act which will enter into force next month, setting a potential global standard for AI regulation.
CFFEX: Notice On Collecting Tiered Order Submission Fees On China Government Bond Futures
Date 24/05/2024
Pursuant to the Detailed Clearing Rules of China Financial Futures Exchange, China Financial Futures Exchange (CFFEX) plans to collect tiered order submission fees on China Government Bond (CGB) futures contracts from non-futures-company members and clients based on their message amount (MA) and order-to-trade ratio (OTR), which will take effect on July 1, 2024.
Candidates For Directors Of Japan Securities Clearing Corporation
Date 24/05/2024
Japan Exchange Group, Inc. (JPX) hereby announces that its subsidiary Japan Securities Clearing Corporation has nominated candidates for directors to be put forth for approval at the Annual General Shareholders Meeting to be held on June 17, 2024.
Monetary Authority Of Singapore Bans Three Individuals For Obstructing Course Of Justice, Falsification Of Records And Providing False Information To MAS
Date 24/05/2024
The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has issued prohibition orders (POs) against two former insurance agents of Prudential Assurance Company Singapore (Pte) Limited (PACS), Ms Yuen Pui Leng Eunice and Ms Tan Zhen Zhi, Grace, following their conviction for offences under the Financial Advisers Act (FAA). A prohibition order and a stern warning in lieu of prosecution were also issued against Mr Lim Hee Loon Benny, a former insurance agent of PACS and current insurance agent of Manulife Financial Advisers Pte Ltd for furnishing false information to MAS.
Japan Financial Services Agency Updated Its Pamphlet Titled “Game Companies Are Required To Notify The Japanese Authority (Local Finance Bureau) In Accordance With The Payment Services Act.”
Date 24/05/2024
- When delivering a game that will be billed in Japan, game companies are required to notify the Japanese authority (Local Finance Bureau) in accordance with the Payment Services Act
- When a Foreign Company intends to carry out transactions continuously in Japan, it must specify its representatives in Japan and register as a Foreign Company