FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Nadex Amends Rules For Member Obligations, Prohbited Activities, And Rule Enforcement
Date 27/09/2024
Pursuant to Section 5c(c)(1) of the Commodity Exchange Act, and Commission Regulation §40.6(a), Nadex has submitted to the Commission its intent to amend the following rules:
Nigerian Exchange Weekly Market Report For the Week Ended 27 September 2024
Date 27/09/2024
A total turnover of 3.318 billion shares worth N45.911 billion in 49,243 deals was traded this week by investors on the floor of the Exchange, in contrast to a total of 1.860 billion shares valued at N38.445 billion that exchanged hands last week in 40,228 deals.
CFTC Orders Olam Group Ltd. To Pay $3.25 Million For False, Misleading, Or Inaccurate Reporting Of Cotton Sales
Date 27/09/2024
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission today issued an order filing and settling charges against Olam Group Ltd., a Singapore-based integrated supply chain manager, for submitting false, misleading, or inaccurate reports to the CFTC and the U.S. Department of Agriculture in connection with the sale of U.S. cotton worth more than $190 million. The order requires Olam to pay a $3,250,000 civil monetary penalty and to cease and desist from further violations of the Commodity Exchange Act and CFTC regulations, as charged.
CFTC: Division Of Clearing And Risk Announces Staff Roundtable Discussion On New And Emerging Issues In Clearing
Date 27/09/2024
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s Division of Clearing and Risk will hold a public roundtable Oct. 16 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., to discuss existing, new, and emerging issues in clearing. The roundtable will be held in the Conference Center at CFTC's headquarters at Three Lafayette Centre, 1155 21st Street N.W., Washington, D.C.
Remarks – California Debt And Investment Advisory Commission: Municipal Debt Essentials Seminar (Responsibilities Of Regulated Entities To Municipal Issuers), Dave A. Sanchez, Director, Office Of Municipal Securities, California Debt And Investment Advisory Commission: Municipal Debt Essentials Seminar, Pomona, CA, Sept. 26, 2024
Date 27/09/2024
Good morning, everyone:
As is customary, my comments today are provided in my official capacity as Director of the Office of Municipal Securities, but do not necessarily reflect the views of the Commission, the Commissioners, or members of the staff.
TRS 2 System Closed 4−7 October
Date 27/09/2024
The TRS 2 system will be closed for maintenance from Friday, 4 October 2024, until Monday, 7 October 2024, due to a change of certificate at ESMA.
Warsaw Stock Exchange Appoints Issuer Council
Date 27/09/2024
The Warsaw Stock Exchange has appointed the Issuer Council to the President of the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The Issuer Council will serve as a platform for dialogue among issuers, investors, and regulators with a mission of making the market more efficient and promoting long-term development strategies of Polish companies listed on GPW.
Statement From DTCC On The UK T+1 Taskforce’s Consultative Report
Date 27/09/2024
Today, the UK T+1 Taskforce published its consultative report, “Accelerated Settlement Taskforce, Technical Group – Draft Recommendations Report and Consultation”, outlining recommendations for the implementation of a T+1 settlement cycle in the UK by no later than the end of 2027.
Malawi Stock Exchange Weekly Summary, 27 September 2024
Date 27/09/2024
Click here to download Malawi Stock Exchange's weekly summary.
ACER's First Opinion On A National Resource Adequacy Assessment Highlights The Need To Evaluate How New Investments Can Reduce Electricity Supply Security Risks
Date 27/09/2024
Today, ACER releases its Opinion on the National Resource Adequacy Assessment of Estonia. This is the first ACER Opinion on a National Resource Adequacy Assessment (NRAA).