FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Osaka Mercantile Exchange Aluminium Futures Weekly Report
Date 28/09/1999
This week, despite the firmer tone in overseas markets, OME aluminium futures failed to advance due to the stronger yen. Distant month : opening 170.4 yen, a high 172.4 yen (Sep. 20), a low 166.3 yen (Sep. 24), closing 166.6 yen
OM Technology In Extended Collaboration With The Copenhagen Stock Exchange
Date 28/09/1999
The Copenhagen Stock Exchange has signed an agreement with OM Technology to migrate Denmark's bond trading to OM's SAXESS trading system; Danish equity trading has been on SAXESS since June this year, within the framework of the Norex joint marketplace. Danish bonds are expected to start trading on SAXESS during the second quarter of the year 2000.
Nasdaq Announces New MarketWatch Surveillance System
Date 28/09/1999
The Nasdaq Stock Market® today (September 27) announced that it has named its new Surveillance Delivery Real-time (SDR) system as its System of Record for analyzing and monitoring market behavior. SDR is designed to monitor market transactions within two seconds and alert Nasdaq MarketWatch analysts of unusual trading patterns via a workstation user interface. The system, which went into production on September 2, 1999, enables Nasdaq® to provide quicker and broader surveillance of the market b
Hong Kong Listed Companies Annual/Interim Reports 1998 on Compact Disks
Date 28/09/1999
Be sure to replace this paragraph with The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong released today (Tuesday) Hong Kong Listed Companies' 1998 Annual and Interim Reports on CD. The CD provides black and white images of annual/interim reports (both English and Chinese versions) of listed companies for reporting periods ending in 1998.
CBOT/MIDAM Columbus Day Holiday Schedule
Date 28/09/1999
The Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) and the MidAmerica Commodity Exchange (MidAm) have established the following schedule in observance of the Columbus Day holiday: Friday, October 8, CBOT Financial, Catastrophe Insurance and Electricity contracts will close at 12:10 p.m. All other contracts (Agricultural, Stock Index and Metals) will observe normal trading schedules. Trading will close at 12:15 p.m. in the following MidAm contracts: Australian Dollar; British Pound; Canadian Dollar; Deutsche Mar
CBOT Marks One Year Of Side-By-Side Trading
Date 28/09/1999
Following through on its commitment to defeat any competitive threat to its business, the Chicago Board of Trade announced today (September 27)that Tuesday, September 28, will mark the one-year anniversary of its successful side-by-side trading program.
Tokyo Stock Exchange - Emergency Measures For Trading/Clearing Systems Failures Due to Y2K Problems
Date 27/09/1999
In the case of futures/options trading through another member, in the event of system failures: In order to prepare for the emergency situations where a member (including a special participant)cannot place orders, due to the system failures caused by Y2K problems, the Tokyo Stock Exchange introduced emergency measures to enable a member without trading access to have alternative order routing capabilities. Under this scheme, a member with system failures can designate another member and place or
SIMEX MSCI Taiwan Contracts - Last Trading Day Extended To 6 October 1999
Date 27/09/1999
The Taiwan Stock Exchange has announced that it would temporarily narrow the price limits in its stock and futures markets so that no stock's price can fall more than 3.5% in a single day. The upward price limit remains unchanged at 7%. This move is aimed at limiting panic-selling when the Taiwan stock market reopens today for the first time since the closure of the market as a result of the earthquake which hit Taiwan on Tuesday 21 September 1999.
Botswana Stock Exchange Market Commentary
Date 25/09/1999
The market edged slightly higher gaining 0.4% but volumes were very thin. Barclays remained unchanged at P8.50 on 1,000 shares but its bid weakened to P7.80. FNBB was also unchanged at P31.50 on 3,000 shares despite its good final results, but strengthened to P31.50/P32.00. Stanchart gained 50t to P40.50 on only 600 shares, testimony to the weak volumes throughout. Furnmart rose 6t to P2.15 on over 16,000 shares buoyed by the excellent full year results posted last week, whilst MRIB lost 5t to P
Trintech Group PLC Becomes First Irish Company To Be Dual Listed On Nasdaq And Neuer Markt
Date 24/09/1999
The Nasdaq Stock Market® today announced that the Trintech Group PLC, a leading provider of secure electronic payment solutions, began trading today on Nasdaq® under the symbol:TTPAY. Trintech is the first Irish company to be listed on both Nasdaq and the Neuer Markt of Germany. The Trintech initial public offering of 5,800,000 American Depositary Shares represents 5,800,000 ordinary shares.
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