Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Nasdaq Announces New Electronic Order Display Window- Revolutionary System Aggregates Pre Trade Information From All Market Participants And Displays Depth To The Marketplace

    Date 05/10/1999

    The Nasdaq Stock Market® today announced a new system for displaying electronically quotes and orders to buy and sell Nasdaq stocks. The Nasdaq Workstation II® (NWIITM) screen will be redesigned to include the new Nasdaq Order Display

  • Mr. Fumio Murata Appointed As The New Chairman Of The Osaka Mercantile Exchange

    Date 05/10/1999

    The Extraordinary General Meeting of Members was held on September 28, 1999 and Mr. Fumio Murata was appointed as the new Chairman. Mr. Murata had been an Advisor to OME since February 1999. Both the Chairman, Mr. Hiroshi Sugiura, and the Deputy Chairman, Mr. Dick H. Kitamura, resigned on September 28, 1999. They are both appointed as the Senior Advisors of OME.

  • IPE Extends Gas Oil And Natural Gas Futures

    Date 05/10/1999

    From today it is possible to trade Gas Oil and Natural Gas futures up to three years ahead, improving the long-term risk management services available at the IPE. Previously Gas Oil futures could be traded up to 18 months ahead (12 months and two quarters) and Natural Gas traded 15 months ahead (15 individual months as well as balance of the month and daily contracts).

  • CFTC Approves Mid-Columbia Electricity Futures Contracts

    Date 05/10/1999

    The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) yesterday approved a New York Mercantile Exchange application to trade electricity futures based on delivery in the Mid-Columbia River region. In addition to delivery terms, the contract will differ from the Exchange's other electricity contracts in unit size, which will be 432 megawatt hours (Mwh) of firm electricity, delivered at a rate of one megawatt per hour. Like the Exchange's current electricity contracts, which have contract unit sizes o

  • CBOT'S September Volume At 18,365,836 Contracts

    Date 05/10/1999

    The Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) announced today trading volume of 18,365,836 contracts for September 1999.

  • PARISBOURSE SBF SA Launches Europe's First Corn Futures

    Date 04/10/1999

    On Friday, October 1, ParisBourse SBF SA launched Europe's first corn future, rounding out the range of commodities already traded on markets operated by ParisBourseSBFSA. The new contract was created in response to demand from industry professionals and has received the support of AGPM, the French corn producers' trade body.

  • Introduction Of Inter-Month Spread Transaction For 10-Year JGB Futures And Evening Session For JGB Futures And Options On JGB Futures On The Tokyo Stock Exchange

    Date 04/10/1999

    To facilitate the simultaneous transaction of two contract months, the TSE will launch inter-month spread transactions of 10-year JGB Futures in August, 2000. By using this facility, investors can bid or ask, on the spread order book, the price differential (spread) itself of two different contract months. The following three combinations are available for the spread transaction: (i) the nearest-the second nearest; (ii) the nearest-the third nearest and (iii) the second nearest-the third nearest

  • Eurex On Continuing Upward Trend In September - Again Over 35 Million Contracts Traded - Record Results In Dow-Jones Euro STOXX And SHAZ

    Date 04/10/1999

    Eurex, the European derivatives, is posting further increases in turnover: About 36 million contracts were traded in September on the world's largest derivatives market. Eurex reports an increase of 7.6 million contracts traded as compared with the number posted in September 1998. Total turnover for the first nine months of 1999 came to about 281 million contracts, about 90 million contracts more than the number traded during the first nine months of 1998 and about 33 million contracts above the

  • Paris Markets Monthly Statistics

    Date 02/10/1999

    The month of August was the busiest ever on the Premier Marché and Second Marché as transaction volumes reached a daily average of EUR2.43 billion, showing increases of +43.6% compared to August 1998 and +17.29% to 1998 as a whole. July's daily average of EUR2.89 billion (+33.61% and +39.42%) was second only to June's record figure (EUR2.94 million). Total transaction volume for the first eight months was EUR437.46 billion, a 30.0% increase over the same period last year, with 34.9 million trad

  • Growth In Equity And Index Products Pushes CME September Volume Higher

    Date 02/10/1999

    Trading activity at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) was up in September over the preceding month, with equity and index futures posting their best single month ever.