FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
CBOE Breaks Volume Record
Date 21/01/2000
A record number of option contracts traded on Thursday, January 20, 2000 at the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE). Records were broken for both total option volume as well as stock option volume.
Program Trading Averaged 17.2 Percent Of NYSE Volume During Jan. 10-14
Date 20/01/2000
The New York Stock Exchange today released its weekly program-trading data submitted by its member firms. The report includes trading in all markets as reported to the NYSE for Jan. 10-14. The data indicated that during Jan. 10-14, program trading amounted to 17.2 percent of NYSE average daily volume of 1,033.8 million shares, or 177.5 million shares a day.
Philippine Stock Exchange Bids for Futures Exchange Operation
Date 20/01/2000
While recognizing the need to separate the cash market from the futures contract market, the Exchange has geared up its bid to SEC for the creation of what it called "PSE-independent but affiliated futures exchange."
Palestine Securities Exchange Extends Trading Week
Date 20/01/2000
We would like to inform you that the Palestine Securities Exchange will hold five trading sessions weekly starting Thursday Jan, 20th, 2000.
Nasdaq Shatters Volume Record - Also Sets New Composite Index Record
Date 20/01/2000
The Nasdaq Stock MarketĀ® announced today that it set a new record for total number of shares traded in a single day, with preliminary figures showing more than 1.842 billion shares changed hands. Six of the 10 highest share volume days in Nasdaq's history have occurred during the first three weeks of this year. The Nasdaq CompositeĀ® Index also set a new record for a second day in a row, closing at 4189.51, a 38.22 point increase.
KPNQwest Shareholders Elect Two New Supervisory Board Members
Date 20/01/2000
KPNQwest announced the election of Pierre Everaert and Richard Liebhaber to the company's Supervisory Board at its Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders today in the Netherlands. Pierre Everaert is a distinguished international executive and author, with significant experience in managing the globalisation of industry in Europe, the U.S.A., Asia, and South America. He is a former Executive Vice President of Philips Electronics and former Chairman of Philips North American Corporation.
CME To Add Six New Cities, Cooling Degree Day Indexes To Weather Futures Contract Listings Beginning Jan. 30
Date 20/01/2000
The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) will add six additional cities and Cooling Degree Day (CDD) indexes to its weather futures contract listings beginning Jan. 30, exchange officials announced.
CBOT Directors Approve Historic Restructuring
Date 20/01/2000
Continuing its tradition as the industry standard bearer, the Board of Directors of the Chicago Board of Trade yesterday overwhelmingly approved a plan to restructure the exchange.
Amsterdam Exchanges' Agricultural Futures Market To End Physical Delivery Of Live Hogs
Date 20/01/2000
As from Friday 28 January 2000, Agricultural Exchanges' agricultural futures market will start listing a new hog futures contract based on cash settlement. The new contract size, 10,000kg slaughtered weight of pork, will make it easier to compare prices internationally.
TSE And Barclays Global Investors Canada To Merge TIPS 35 & TIPS 100 Funds With Iunits S&P/TSE 60 Index Participation Fund
Date 19/01/2000
The Toronto Stock Exchange (TSE) and Barclays Global Investors Canada Limited (BGI Canada) announced today an agreement to merge the Toronto 35 Index Participation Fund (TIPS 35 Fund) and the TSE 100 Index Participation Fund (TIPS 100 Fund) with the iUnits S&P/TSE 60 Index Participation Fund (i60s Fund) managed by BGI Canada. The mergers are subject to approval by TIPS unitholders and to the receipt of necessary regulatory approvals.
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