Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Baltic Stock Exchanges Monthly Statistics February 2002

    Date 15/03/2002

    Riga In February the total Latvian capital market trading turnover reached EUR 75.56 (LVL 42.12) million, exceeding the previous month volume by 15%. Equity market trading was EUR 1.14 (LVL 0.64) million, while trading in debt market was, habitually, more intensive-EUR 74.43 (LVL 41.49) million.

  • 8 Companies Will Join The NextEconomy And NextPrime Market Segments

    Date 15/03/2002

    NextPrime and NextEconomy, the market segments launched on 2 January 2002, will welcome 8 additional companies on 25 March, raising the total to 241.

  • SFE Corporation Limited Announces 2001 Full Year Profit Of $21.4m.

    Date 14/03/2002

    SFE Corporation Limited (SFE) today released its financial results for the year ended 31 December 2001, its first full year of trading as a demutualised, shareholder-owned corporation. The financial performance also incorporates a full year result for Austraclear following its acquisition in December 2000.

  • Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Pitt Statement On Andersen Indictment

    Date 14/03/2002

    Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Harvey L. Pitt issued the following statement regarding the announcement by the Department of Justice that it had obtained an indictment against the accounting firm Andersen LLP: "The Commission is closely monitoring these developments, particularly with respect to Andersen's public company clients who are in the process of having their financial statements audited. We have an obligation to protect investors, and, as we are announcing today, we have ta

  • Program Trading Averaged 25.6 Percent Of NYSE Volume During March 4-March 8, 2002

    Date 14/03/2002

    The New York Stock Exchange today released its weekly program-trading data submitted by its member firms. The report includes trading in all markets as reported to the NYSE for March 4-8, 2002.