Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • KCBT Exchange Volume Traded In July Second Only To June 2001

    Date 01/08/2002

    The Kansas City Board of Trade total exchange volume traded in July 2002 was the second-highest in exchange history as 348,851 contracts were traded, a mere 1 percent less than June 2001 volume, the record-holder.

  • July Volume: CME Records Busiest Month In Its History

    Date 01/08/2002

    Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. (CME) established a new all-time monthly trading volume record in July, when 59.3 million contracts with an underlying value of $35.3 trillion changed hands. July's volume was 19 percent higher than the previous monthly record of 49.9 million contracts in June 2002 and 100 percent higher than volume in July 2001. For the first seven months of 2002, CME's volume was 318.5 million contracts, up 44 percent from the year-earlier period.

  • International Securities Exchange Sets New Trading Records - Highest Average Daily Volume & Market Share Five Record Volume Days

    Date 01/08/2002

    For the third consecutive month, ISE has established new volume and market share records. During July, ISE also continued as the industry volume leader in the 509 issues that it lists and was the primary market, as measured by volume, in 269 of these issues. Included in the widely traded issues in which ISE is primary are: Microsoft, IBM, Dell, Applied Materials, eBay, GM, Merrill Lynch, Broadcom and Verizon.

  • ICEX: Record Turnover In July

    Date 01/08/2002

    There was a record turnover of ISK 85.8 billion at Iceland Stock Exchange (ICEX) last month compared to ISK 53.9 billion turnover in July of last year. This brings July to the 3rd place on the list of top 10 total monthly turnover at ICEX following May and January of this year. This means that the four top months belong to this year. In total six out of ten on the list belong to 2002 along with four months of 2001.

  • globalCOAL Announces The Completion Of The Second Transaction For The Newcastle Marker Price Initiative

    Date 01/08/2002

    globalCOAL, the coal e-marketplace backed by leading industry consumers & producers, is pleased to announce the completion of the second Event in developing the Newcastle Marker Price Initiative. During the Event, globalCOAL saw an increase in participation with over 90 bids/offers submitted by various globalCOAL market members, compared to over 50 bids/offers for the first Event. The transaction was executed on globalCOAL's Standard Coal System at USD 22.00/mt for 65,000 metric tonnes F.O.B.