FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
OneChicago Announces Products For Nov. 8 Launch
Date 30/10/2002
OneChicago, LLC today announced the first single stock futures to be traded at its launch on Friday, Nov. 8, 2002, pending regulatory approval. The Exchange also listed the single stock futures that had not already been revealed, to be offered during the first weeks of trading.
Nymex To Add Long-Dated Natural Gas Calendar Spread Options Beginning November 1
Date 30/10/2002
The New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., today announced that it would introduce on November 1 calendar spread options contracts for natural gas that are based on the differential of natural gas contracts that are six and 12 months apart.
NYBOT Announces Veterans Day Holiday Schedule
Date 30/10/2002
The New York Board of Trade (NYBOT®) announced today the trading schedule for the U.S. Veterans Day Holiday for its FINEX DIVISION of the New York Cotton Exchange (NYCE):
New Australian Securities And Investments Commission Chief Accountant Appointed
Date 30/10/2002
Mr David Knott, Chairman of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), today announced that Mr Gregory Pound has been appointed as ASIC's Chief Accountant for a three-year term commencing 25 November 2002.
NASDAQ Changes NASDAQ-100 Index Listing Criteria
Date 30/10/2002
The Nasdaq Stock Market today announced it will change the criteria companies must meet to be included in and remain a component of the NASDAQ-100 Index, which includes many of the world's largest and most dynamic companies across major industry groups.
More Than 1,500 Hedge Funds Have Agreed To Participate In The MSCI Hedge Fund Indices And Database - Over 150 Indices Currently Calculated
Date 30/10/2002
MSCI, a leading provider of global hedge fund, equity and fixed income indices used by institutional investors worldwide, have announced that more than 1,500 hedge funds have agreed to participate in the MSCI Hedge Fund IndicesSM and Database. The total number of funds currently in the database now exceeds 1,000, and will continue to grow as an additional 500 funds have agreed to participate. In addition, MSCI has added more than 60 hedge fund indices since the product was introduced
HKFE Announces Revised Margins For Futures Contracts
Date 30/10/2002
Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited (HKFE), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx), announced that with effect from the commencement of trading on Friday, 1 November 2002, the minimum margins to be collected by an Exchange Participant from its clients in respect of their dealings in the following futures contracts will be as outlined in the table below. The adjustments are based on the clea
CBOT Fed Watch
Date 30/10/2002
In advance of the Federal Open Market Committee meeting on November 6, the Chicago Board of Trade will be reporting daily rate change probabilities in the FOMC's federal funds target rate, as indicated by the CBOT® 30-Day Federal Funds futures contract. The CBOT 30-Day Federal Funds futures contract is a key benchmark interest rate barometer that reflects the forward overnight effective rate for excess reserves that are traded among commercial banks in the U.S. federal funds market.
UK's Financial Services Authority Acts On Professional Indemnity Insurance Concerns
Date 29/10/2002
The FSA has today announced a modification to its rules for independent financial adviser (IFA) firms. The modification introduces a number of changes to the detailed requirements with which a firm's PII cover has to comply. Brokers and underwriters have indicated these changes are likely to increase capacity in the PII market. AIFA has been consulted and fully supports this initiative.
Standard & Poor's Announces Changes In The S&P/TSX Venture Composite Index
Date 29/10/2002
Standard & Poor's will make the following changes in the S&P/TSX Venture Composite Index: Effective after the close on Monday, October 28, 2002, E-Tronics inc. (TSXVN: ETX) will change its name to Western Lakota Energy Services Inc. (TSXVN:WLE). The new CUSIP number will be 95852P 10 3. There is no consolidation of capital.
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