FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Taiwan Futures Exchange February Trading Statistics
Date 03/03/2003
16 trading days Average daily trading volume (futures & options): 63,742 contracts The futures and options trading statistics were as follows:
SWX Swiss Exchange: Key Figures Feburary 2003
Date 03/03/2003
SWX Swiss Exchange: Key Figures Feburary 2003 Trading days: 20
Stockholmsbörsen: Monthly Statistics February 2003
Date 03/03/2003
Share trading
Statement Of The Securities And Exchange Commission Regarding Selection Process For Chairperson Of The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB)
Date 03/03/2003
The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced that it has adopted a process for conducting an intensive search to promptly select a Chairperson of the five-member Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB).
Standard & Poor's Announces Changes In S&P/TSX Canadian Indices
Date 03/03/2003
Standard & Poor's Canadian Index Operations announces the following index change effective after the close of business on Tuesday, March 4, 2003: The relative weight of Northland Power Income Fund (TSX: NPI.UN) will increase by approximately 0.22% in the S&P/TSX Canadian Income Trust Index. The relative weight change reflects an adjustment to the float trust units of the income trust due to the issuance of units.
Singapore Exchange: TiMSCI AND SiMSCI Futures Break Records In February - Other Contracts Show Robust Growth
Date 03/03/2003
Singapore Exchange Ltd (SGX) today announced that its MSCI Taiwan Index (TiMSCI) and MSCI Singapore Index (SiMSCI) Futures contracts broke the following records in February 2003:
SEC Grants Permanent Approval Of NASDAQ's Primex Auction System<SUP><SMALL>®</SUP></SMALL>
Date 03/03/2003
The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc. (NASDAQ®) today announced that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has granted permanent approval of the Primex Auction System®, the world's first electronic auction for securities. The system has been operating as a pilot facility of NASDAQ since December of 2001.
Removal Of Ontex From Euronext Brussels Indices
Date 03/03/2003
Following the take-over-bid by the Company ONV Holdco (Candover), the Ontex share (Isincode BE0003744589) will be removed from the following indices on 2003/03/03 after close following art. 1.4.c. of the BAS indexrules: BAS price index: (Isincode BE0389549941) BAS return index: (Isincode BE0389550956) Belgian Continuous return index: (Isincode BE0389551962 and BE0389552978) Mid Cap return index: (Isincode BE0389561094) Non-Cyclical Consumer Goods return index: (Isinc
Online HKEx Fact Book 2002 Now Available
Date 03/03/2003
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) has published its HKEx Fact Book 2002, which presents a full picture of the performance of the securities and derivatives markets in 2002, including comprehensive statistics on the markets and the clearing houses, and information on listed company activity.
OneChicago Reports February 2003 Volume
Date 03/03/2003
OneChicago, LLC today announced that it traded 94,321 contracts in February. Open interest at OneChicago stood at 57,355 contracts on Feb. 28 after reaching 91,733 prior to FEB 03 delivery.
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