Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Toronto Stock Exchange Statistics - February 2003

    Date 04/03/2003

    This Month's Highlights

  • Successful Transition To The ICE Platform (IPE ETS) For IPE Brent Crude And IPE Gas Oil Future - February Another Record Breaking Month

    Date 04/03/2003

    The International Petroleum Exchange, Europe's leading energy futures and options exchange, today announced the successful transition to IntercontinentalExchange's WebICE trading platform (also referred to as IPE ETS) of its extended hours trading sessions for IPE Brent Crude and Gas Oil futures.

  • RTS Order-Driven Market: Weekly Data February 25th-February 28th

    Date 04/03/2003

    For the week of February 25th - February 28th, 2003, securities traded on the Order-driven market 5 306 times. Daily average turnover equaled 169 million shares and 1 622 million rubles, a 40% increase in terms of shares, and 18% - in rubles over the previous week. Internet trading accounted for 27% of total weekly trading volume.

  • RTS Order-Driven Market: February Data

    Date 04/03/2003

    For the month of February, the Order-driven market total trading volume increased by 47% and reached 8 198 million rubles with 929 million shares changing hands (in January these figures equaled 5 566 million rubles and 554 million shares, accordingly). Shares traded 27 558 times, up from 21 240 times in January.

  • RTS FORTS: Weekly Data February 25th-February 28th

    Date 04/03/2003

    For the week of February 25th - February 28th, 2003, total trading volume on FORTS (Futures & Options on RTS) equaled 283 thousand contracts, or 1 233 million rubles in underlying value, down from 502 thousand contracts and 2 167 million rubles last week. The number of trades reached 7 658, compared with last week's 12 489 trades. Total open interest, as of February 28th, 2003, increased by 2% in contracts, to 399 thousand contracts, and by 4% in rubles, to 1 753 million rubles