Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • FTSE Appoints New FTSE4Good Committee Member

    Date 04/03/2003

    FTSE Group, the independent global index company, today announces that it is strengthening the FTSE4Good Committee with the addition of Yve Newbold as a new member. A new FTSE4Good committee has also been formed in the US to oversee the FTSE4Good US Indices, chaired by Tom Donaldson.

  • Focus On WCE Feed Wheat Futures Prices

    Date 04/03/2003

    WCE feed wheat futures prices moved sharply lower in February. The nearby March contract opened the month at $169.60/tonne, peaked on February 10, 2003 at $173.00/tonne, and then steadily declined to close out the month at $157.00/tonne (see Chart 1). This drop in feed wheat futures prices is reflective of the overall decrease in the price of feed grains, as also observed in the WCE March western barley contract and the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) March corn contract.

  • Chicago Stock Exchange: February Volume Results

    Date 04/03/2003

    Monthly Listed Volume   February 2003

    CFTC Releases Rule Enforcement Review Of The Kansas City Board Of Trade

    Date 04/03/2003

    The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (Commission) has notified the Kansas City Board of Trade (KCBT) of the results of a rule enforcement review completed by the Commission's Division of Market Oversight (Division). The Division assessed KCBT's compliance with core principles under the Commission's regulations that relate to audit trail, trade practice surveillance, disciplinary, and dispute resolution programs. The review also covered core principles that relate to exchange governance. The

  • CBOT February Volume At 33,039,958, Up 33.8% From February 2002

    Date 04/03/2003

    The Chicago Board of Trade (CBOTÒ) today announced trading volume of 32,039,958 contracts for February 2003, up 33.8% from February 2002 and up 12.7% from January 2003. Through February, year-to-date volume is up 29.2% from 2002.