Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Statement By SEC Chairman William H. Donaldson Regarding New York Mutual Fund Probe

    Date 03/09/2003

    SEC Chairman William H. Donaldson said, "The conduct alleged in the complaint is reprehensible and there is no place for it in our markets. Today's action further illustrates the importance of the SEC's ongoing review of both hedge funds and mutual funds and the SEC's upcoming recommendations regarding improvements and increased disclosure requirements for both. As we have stated in announcing our current and ongoing study of hedge funds, there is too much money at stake for us to know as little

  • SGX Introduces Trading Halt And Enhancements To Securities Market

    Date 03/09/2003

    Singapore Exchange Ltd (SGX) today announced that it will introduce a trading halt feature and other enhancements to its securities market, with effect from 10 November 2003.

  • SEC: Ethiopis Tafara Named Director Of The Office Of International Affairs

    Date 03/09/2003

    Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman William H. Donaldson today announced the appointment of Ethiopis Tafara as the Director of the Office of International Affairs. Mr. Tafara will oversee the Commission's international regulatory policy and enforcement initiatives, working with foreign regulators and international organizations, as well as the SEC's other division and office directors with respect to the international aspects of the Commission's programs. Over the past year, Mr. Tafara h

  • RTS Order-Driven Market: August Market Data

    Date 03/09/2003

    For the period of August 1st - August 31st, 2003, total trading volume of direct and indirect transactions (including REPO transactions) totaled 14 090 million rubles, compared with 60 424 million in July. Internet trading accounted for 34% of total trading volume in rubles. 23 322 transactions were closed, down from 62 901 transactions in July

  • RTS FORTS: August Monthly Data

    Date 03/09/2003

    In August 2003 total trading volume on FORTS (Futures & Options on the RTS) reached 2 060 thousand contracts and 16 167 million rubles (in July the numbers equaled 3 197 thousand contracts and 22 418 million rubles). Total open interest as of August 29th, 2003, equaled 3 851 million rubles and 520 thousand contracts (as of July 31st, 2003, the last trading day in July, the numbers were 3 041 million rubles and 460 thousand contracts).

  • RTS Classic Market: August Market Data

    Date 03/09/2003

    In August 2003 the total trading volume on Classic Market totaled 336 million US dollars, down from 604 million dollars in July.

  • RTS Board: August Market Data

    Date 03/09/2003

    For the month of August 2003, total trading volume on the RTS Board gained 19% and reached 8.3 million US dollars. Shares changed hands 213 times, down from 231 times in July.

  • OneChicago Reports Volume For August 2003

    Date 03/09/2003

    OneChicago, LLC today announced that it traded 73,552 contracts in August. Open interest stood at 133,057 contracts August 29. Average daily trading volume was 3,502 contracts.

  • NZX Indices

    Date 03/09/2003

    NZX calculates several indices which track the performance of groups of stocks, such as the NZSX 50 headline index.

  • NYBOT's New Trading Floor At One North End Avenue A Success

    Date 03/09/2003

    The New York Board of Trade® (NYBOT®) inaugurated its new trading floor today at One North End Avenue in the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) building. The trading day began with members of the New York Police Department (NYPD) ringing the opening bell for cocoa at 8:00 a.m., and members of the Fire Department of New York (FDNY) assisting with the opening of the sugar pits at 9:00 am.