Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Index Experts Committee Of Shenzhen Stock Exchange Established Officially

    Date 21/09/2009

    On Sep 17, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange held the first meeting for the establishment of the Index Experts Committee of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Securities Information Company Limited. Chen Dongzheng, Council Chairman of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Zhou Ming, Deputy General Manager of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, concurrently Board Chairman of Shenzhen Securities Information Co., Ltd. awarded the written appointment to the expert committee members on the behalf of the two companies.

  • Speech By SEC Chairman Mary L. Schapiro: Address To Conference On "The Future Of Global Finance"

    Date 18/09/2009

    Georgetown University's McDonough School of Business Washington D.C. Sept. 18, 2009 Thank you, and thank you Reena [Aggarwal] for chairing this very informative and I'm sure successful conference. It's a pleasure to be back at Georgetown University, where I am honored to know so many of the faculty and administrators.

  • ICE Futures Canada FCM Customer Margin Changes

    Date 18/09/2009

    The following initial and maintenance margins apply to non-participant speculative accounts held with FCMs. Non-participants holding hedge based positions may apply for a hedge exemption under Rule 4E.08. The minimum margin level under the hedge exemption is the clearinghouse margin.

  • Emissions Trading: EU Member States Approve List Of Sectors Deemed To Be Exposed To Carbon Leakage

    Date 18/09/2009

    EU Member States today approved a draft Decision listing 164 industrial sectors and sub-sectors deemed to be exposed to 'carbon leakage'. Under the revised EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) which will apply from 2013, installations in such sectors will receive a higher share of greenhouse gas emission allowances free of charge than other industrial sectors. The final Decision should be adopted by the European Commission by the end of the year following sc

  • TSX: Top 20 Largest Consolidated Short Position Report - September 15, 2009

    Date 18/09/2009

    Please find below the Top 20 Largest Consolidated Short Position Report Highlights. The report is produced twice monthly, effective the 15th and the end of each month. The report below covers the 2-week period ending September 15, 2009.