FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
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CBOE to List Options on 43 Stocks on Monday, September 20.
Date 10/09/1999
The Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) today announced it will begin trading options on the 43 stocks listed below beginning Monday, September 20.
Brazil's BM&F Joins GLOBEX® Alliance With CME, Paris Bourse, SIMEX
Date 10/09/1999
Brazil's BM&F, the Bolsa de Mercadorias & Futuros, has joined the GLOBEX® Alliance with the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), Paris Bourse and the Singapore International Monetary Exchange (SIMEX), officials of the four exchanges announced today at a futures industry meeting here. Separately, the exchanges announced that BM&F will use the same NSC Electronic Trading System developed by Paris Bourse and used by all of the GLOBEX Alliance partners.
Amsterdam Exchanges opts for ratio method for adjusting share option contract specifications
Date 10/09/1999
In the past year a number of issuers decided to reduce their outstanding share capital, thus changing their capital structure. This forced Amsterdam Exchanges to adjust the contract specifications of share options and outstanding option contracts relating to these issuers, while taking into account the interests of investors as much as possible. Following extensive studies and consultations with market participants and investors, Amsterdam Exchanges selected the ratio method. Where relevant, thi
TSE Announces New President And CEO
Date 09/09/1999
The Board of Governors of The Toronto Stock Exchange (TSE) is pleased to announce the appointment of the Exchange's new President and CEO, Ms. Barbara G. Stymiest, effective October 12, 1999.
Open Interest at CBOE Sets Record
Date 09/09/1999
The Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) on September 8 announced that a new record was set for Exchange wide open interest. Total open interest stood at 30,474,656 contracts at the CBOE at the close of trading on Tuesday, September 7, 1999 topping the previous record of 30,155,703 which had just been set on September 3, 1999.
JSE Trading Hours to Change from September 15
Date 09/09/1999
The JSE has conducted research into the current global trend of exchanges both aligning and extending their trading hours. The JSE recognises the need to operate within an increasingly global competitive environment and accordingly is pleased to announce that, with effect from 15 September 1999, its trading hours will be amended as follows:
IPE New Electricity Trading Arrangements Tested
Date 09/09/1999
Ten leading power companies have successfully undertaken a two day simulation of the markets that are likely to emerge once the new electricity trading arrangements for England and Wales come into effect in autumn 2000. The simulation was organised by the IPE and PricewaterhouseCoopers and was designed to offer an insight into how the new trading arrangements could work in practice.
HKATS Test Set for 11 September
Date 09/09/1999
The Hong Kong Futures Exchange (HKFE) confirmed today its plans to conduct a simulated trading test of its HKATS electronic trading system on Saturday, 11 September.
CME's South African Rand Contract Pushes Past The 5,000 Open Interest Level
Date 09/09/1999
The Chicago Mercantile Exchange's (CME) South African rand contract has for the first time surpassed the 5,000 contract open interest level following several days of heavy trading activity.
ASX Develops Electronic Settlement for IPO's
Date 09/09/1999
Telstra has agreed to be the first company to use a new electronic facility, developed by Australian Stock Exchange (ASX), to settle and process the institutional and broker firm component of a public float.
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