Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Société Générale reintroduced in the CAC40 index - Crédit Lyonnais replaces Paribas

    Date 02/09/1999

    Following August 23rd decision of the Conseil des Marchés Financiers acknowledging the success of BNP's tender offer on PARIBAS and following August 28th decision by the CECEI forbidding BNP to retain 31,8% of Société Générale voting rights, the Expert Commission charged with the administration of ParisBourseSBFSA indices took the following decisions effective September 7.

  • ParisBourse SBF SA Improves Specifications for the 3-month Euribor Contract

    Date 02/09/1999

    To better meet participants' requirements, ParisBourse SBF SA is cutting the trading tick for the short-term 3-month Euribor future from EUR 12.50 or 0.005% of par to EUR 5 or 0.002%. The change will take effect from September 14. It is designed to allow end clients to fine-tune hedging in current conditions marked by low volatility of short-term interest rates.

  • ParisBourse SBF SA Derivatives Trading up 9.4% in August

    Date 02/09/1999

    A total of 13,303,693 contracts changed hands on ParisBourse SBF SA derivatives markets in August, 9.4% more than in the previous month. The total for the eight months to August 31 reached 120 million compared with 90 million for the whole of 1998.

  • NYSE Chairman Richard A. Grasso's Letter to Members Concerning "Demutualization"

    Date 02/09/1999

    To: All NYSE Members, From: Richard A. Grasso, Subject: "Demutualization" and a Public Offering. On July 30, 1999, I wrote to you that we were investigating whether to recommend to our Board that the Exchange convert to a for-profit business corporation. The effect of the conversion would be to separate the trading right from the equity ownership interest that together comprise a NYSE membership today. This would allow us to raise capital in the public markets and better enable us to pursue

  • NYMEX Sets Natural Gas Monthly Volume Record in August

    Date 02/09/1999

    Monthly volume records were established in August on the New York Mercantile Exchange for Henry Hub natural gas futures with 1,892,091 contracts traded, surpassing the 1,865,787 contracts traded in July, and for natural gas options, with 427,437 contracts traded, exceeding the 382,051 contracts traded in March.