Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Commonwealth Bank Pledges $15 Million to SMEs through ASX Enterprise Market

    Date 06/09/1999

    The Commonwealth Bank and the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) today announced details of their joint venture involving the ASX's Internet-based Enterprise Market (e.m).

  • Botswana Stock Exchange Market Commentary

    Date 06/09/1999

    The market edged higher gaining 1.5% consolidating the huge gains made in the last couple of months, ending at a record high of 1,506.28. Barclays paused for breath as it traded unchanged at P10 on over 170,000 shares. The other two bank stocks made gains and ended at record highs with FNBB up P2.50 to P29.50 on under 3,000 shares and Stanchart up P3.50 to P36.50 on light volume. MRIB rose 35t to P2.10 on just under 14,000 shares after releasing excellent full year results. It is now up over 100

  • Bahrain Stock Exchange Securities & Investment Research

    Date 06/09/1999

    This week was one of the best this year for the BSE as the index rose 1.5%. The BSE moved at a much faster pace than last week with the total volume and value of trades increasing over 55%. The advance decline ratio was 16 to 3. Elsewhere in the Gulf all the major indices rose: Saudi (2.1%), UAE (0.7%). KSE (0.6%), and MSM (0.6%).

  • NYSE Appoints Howard M. Schloss as Vice President, Public Affairs

    Date 04/09/1999

    The New York Stock Exchange board of directors on September 2 approved the appointment of Howard M. Schloss as vice president, Public Affairs.

  • LIFFE trades £183BN per day in August 1999

    Date 03/09/1999

    The average daily nominal value of contracts traded on the London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE) was £183 billion during August 1999 and the total nominal value traded was £4,025,000 billion.

  • Launch of IPE Fuel Oil Futures A Success

    Date 03/09/1999

    Today saw the launch of the IPE Fuel Oil futures contract on its trading floor.

  • CBOE Ends the Summer with Record Volume. Dell Options (DELL) Add to Average Daily Volume.

    Date 03/09/1999

    The Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) continued its record setting pace for the year, trading 151,479,686 option contracts. With the addition on August 23rd of options on Dell Computer, Inc., CBOE now lists options on more than 1,250 stocks with total average daily volume for the month of August reaching 888,039 contracts.

  • ASX Releases Information Package on Restructured All Ordinaries Index

    Date 03/09/1999

    Following extensive consultation, Australian Stock Exchange ("ASX") today (September 2) released an information brochure outlining the restructure of the All Ordinaries Index.

  • Winnie Heung appointed HKFE Treasurer

    Date 02/09/1999

    The Hong Kong Futures Exchange (HKFE) announced today that Winnie Heung has been appointed Treasurer of the Exchange. Her appointment was effective 1 September. Ms Heung will be managing the day-to-day workflow of the Treasury Department, and will be responsible for managing the assets of the Exchange and the HKFE Clearing Corporation. She will report to Mr Yuan Zhou, Chief Financial Officer of HKFE and Chief Executive Officer of the HKFE Clearing Corporation.

  • The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong appoints Wong Wai Ming to Listing Committee

    Date 02/09/1999

    The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong appointed Mr Wong Wai Ming to the Listing Committee at its Council meeting yesterday (Wednesday).