Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Chicago Mercantile Exchange Holdings Inc. To Replace Arthur Andersen As Its Independent Public Accountants

    Date 22/03/2002

    The Board of Directors of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Holdings Inc. (CME Holdings) has decided to replace Arthur Andersen LLP as its independent public accountants. The company has begun the selection process to identify and hire a new independent accounting firm.

  • Annual General Meeting Of HEX Group

    Date 22/03/2002

    The Annual General Meeting of HEX Plc today approved the profit and loss accounts and balance sheet of HEX Plc and the consolidated profit and loss account and balance sheet of HEX Group for the previous accounting period. Furthermore, the Annual General meeting discharged the members of the Board of Directors and the President & CEO from liability.

  • SWX: Precious Woods Holding AG Opens At CHF 61

    Date 21/03/2002

    The shares of Precious Woods Holding AG were traded on 18 March for the first time on the main trading segment of the SWX Swiss Exchange. The offering price was set at CHF 60. At the start of trading on SWX, the stock stood at CHF 61, representing a total market capitalization for the company of CHF 98.8 million. According to the offering prospectus, all of the 1,620,000 shares registered in the Commercial Register were offered to the public. 108,000 of the publicly offered shares were part of a

  • Stock Exchange of Thailand: Good Corporate Governance Rating Criteria Clarified As TRIS Will First Conduct The Rating On September 16

    Date 21/03/2002

    The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) in conjunction with the Office of Securities Commission (SEC) and Thai Rating and Information Services (TRIS) held a meeting to gather views and discussion of the directors and senior executives of listed companies on the good corporate governance rating criteria, which require them to have structure of investor protection as well as its application, have a good director structure and have their responsibilities established, disclose information with transpar

  • Reform Of European Clearing And Settlement: Don Cruickshank Chairman Of The London Stock Exchange Takes On The Critics

    Date 21/03/2002

    Don Cruickshank, Chairman of the London Stock Exchange said today that the campaign to tackle the in-built inefficiencies in clearing and settlement across Europe had developed a "strong head of steam". The need for reform was now acknowledged in many quarters, including by the European Competition Commission.