FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
EuroMTS Indices Expands Inflation-Linked Family
Date 16/03/2005
MTSNext is pleased to announce the creation of eight new members of the EuroMTS Inflation-Linked Index (EMTXi) family, expanding the first independent, real-time tradable indices of eurozone inflation-linked government bonds.
EasyETF CAC 40®, The New ETF In The BNP Paribas And AXA Investment Managers Joint Range Is Launched On Euronext
Date 16/03/2005
Click here to download details of the EasyETF CAC 40® ETF.
Deutsche Börse: Scenario Calculation For The Equity Indices - Changes In The Equity Indices Effective On 21 March
Date 16/03/2005
Effective on 21 March, new weights will apply for the companies in the equity indices of Deutsche Börse. Deutsche Börse released the preliminary weighting figures on Wednesday. The preliminary data can be downloaded from the Deutsche Börse website (www.deutsche-boerse.com). The final figures based on Friday's Xetra closing prices will be published at the Deutsche Börse website on Saturday.
Court Appoints Attorney Lee S. Richards Independent Examiner For Computer Associates International, Inc.
Date 16/03/2005
The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced that United States District Court Judge I. Leo Glasser has issued an order appointing attorney Lee S. Richards to act as Independent Examiner for Computer Associates International, Inc. Judge Glasser appointed Mr. Richards pursuant to the Final Judgment in the SEC's civil action that Computer Associates consented to on Sept. 21, 2004, and also pursuant to the Deferred Prosecution Agreement (DPA) that Computer Associates entered into with the
Copenhagen Stock Exchange: Change In Margin Parameters
Date 16/03/2005
Following the regular review of the margin parameters, the FUTOP Clearing Centre has decided to change the values for the following products, cf. Appendix A of Chapter 7 of the FUTOP Clearing Centre’s rules and regulations.
CME Announces Good Friday Holiday Trading Hours
Date 16/03/2005
CME today announced the following trading schedule for the Good Friday holiday (all times are Central time): Thursday, March 24
Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) And Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange (ZCE) Sign Memorandum Of Understanding
Date 16/03/2005
The Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) and the Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange (ZCE), the first futures exchange in The People's Republic of China, announced today that they signed a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") which lays the foundation for the sharing of information for the potential development of options and other derivatives products. The MOU also provides the opportunity for ongoing educational initiatives designed to enhance the understanding of one another's products, markets, tec
Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) And Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE) Sign Memorandum Of Understanding
Date 16/03/2005
The Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) and the Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE), the largest futures exchange in The People's Republic of China, announced today that they signed a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") which lays the foundation for the sharing of information for the potential development of options and other derivatives products. The MOU also provides the opportunity for ongoing educational initiatives designed to enhance the understanding of one another's products, markets, tec
Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) And Dalian Commodity Exchange (DCE) Sign Memorandum Of Understanding
Date 16/03/2005
The Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) and the Dalian Commodity Exchange (DCE), the largest futures exchange in The People's Republic of China, announced today that they signed a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") which lays the foundation for the sharing of information for the potential development of options and other derivatives products. The MOU also provides the opportunity for ongoing educational initiatives designed to enhance the understanding of one another's products, markets, tech
CFTC Staff Allows the Osaka Securities Exchange’s Futures Contract Based On The Russell/Nomura Prime Index To Be Offered And Sold In The United States
Date 16/03/2005
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission's (CFTC’s) Office of General Counsel (OGC) issued a no-action letter on March 14, 2005, permitting the offer and sale in the United States of the Osaka Securities Exchange’s (OSE’s) futures contract based on the Russell/Nomura Prime Index (RNP).
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