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News Centre

  • Final ISDA-BBA Response To The ESMA DP On The Clearing Obligation

    Date 13/09/2013

    ISDA and the BBA welcome the opportunity to respond to the ESMA Discussion Paper on the Clearing Obligation under EMIR. We would be very happy to further discuss the views expressed in this response, as ESMA views appropriate.

  • FTSE4Good Semi-Annual September 2013 Review

    Date 13/09/2013

    • 30 new companies added to Index Series
    • Geographical spread of represented companies continues to increase
    • FTSE4Good Series and ESG Ratings helps investors integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into their investments
    • Plans to adopt new methodology and data provision announced

  • Remarks By Vice-President Olli Rehn At The Eurogroup Press Conference

    Date 13/09/2013

    Thank you Jeroen.

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    I am very glad to be back in Vilnius. Yesterday, I was at a conference in Riga with Mario Draghi and other colleagues, preparing the ground for the euro adoption of Latvia on 1st January 2014. Maybe next year we will have the same kind of conference in Vilnius. Of course, that will depend on whether Lithuania will be able to meet the well-known conditions of acceding to the Eurozone. As a long-time supporter of the integration of Baltic States to Europe, I am glad to note that these countries, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, have recovered well from the crisis and are growing robustly. I believe that this is a testimony to the enlargement of the European Union as a force of peaceful economic and democratic transformation of our continent.

  • TOM MTF Statistics Week 37 2013

    Date 13/09/2013

    Click here to download the weekly statistics update of TOM MTF for week 37 - 2013. 

  • Euronext Amsterdam’s AEX-Index Mini Futures Contract And Euronext Paris’s CAC40 Index Mini Futures Contract Have Been Deemed Certified And May Be Offered To U.S. persons Through Direct Access Effective September 13, 2013

    Date 13/09/2013

    On August 21, 2013, NYSE Euronext (Euronext) requested accelerated Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) review of its Euronext Amsterdam AEX-Index mini futures contract and its Euronext Paris CAC40 Index mini futures contract so that they may be offered to U.S. persons. Euronext also requested that the contracts may be made available through direct access terminals in the United States.