A security or bond which offers an annual guaranteed interest payment. There is usually a fixed date at which the bond is redeemed.
Flash order
Flash order is a term used to describe a
trading venue sending buy or sell orders to a select group of traders fractions of a second before revealing them publicly.
Flash trade
Flash trade is a term used to describe a
trading venue sending buy or sell orders to a select group of traders fractions of a second before revealing them publicly.
Flexible exchange (FLEX) option
A semi-customised, exchange-traded put or call option issued by a clearing house. Customisation is limited to expiration date, strike and exercise style (European or American).
An agreement with a counterparty that sets a lower limit to interest rates for the floor buyer for a stated time period.
The occasion on which a company’s shares are offered on the market for the first time.
Forward rate agreement (FRA)
An agreement to borrow or lend at a specified future date at an interest rate that is fixed today. The borrowing and lending is purely notional as the contract allows the purchaser to fix interest costs for a specific future period.
Fourth market
The direct trading of securities between institutional investors without the use of brokers or dealers.
Free float
The number of shares not held by corporate insiders that are freely tradable in the public market or markets on which a company's securities are listed.
Independent dealers admitted to trade on German stock exchanges by the board of governors of the individual exchange. Freimakler participate in stock exchange dealings as intermediaries. They do not conclude business directly with buyers or sellers of securities. Freimakler, unlike Kursmakler, are not subject to any legal restriction with regard to the execution of business on their own account. The main area of trading of Freimakler is trading in the securities on other markets than the official trade. They may, however, also deal in officially listed securities.