Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Shanghai Stock Exchange: Notice On Matters For Promoting Securities Lending Business

    Date 21/04/2015

    Since the businesses of margin trading and securities lending was launched 5 years ago, margin trading has witnessed fast booms while securities lending lags. In order to boost the latter, the notice is hereby issued as to relevant matters:

    First, professional institutional investors shall be encouraged to engage in securities lending to expand securities sources. The products established by professional institutional investors, including publicly offered funds and asset management plans of securities companies, can be involved in securities lending as of the date of their establishment. Such investors shall be supported to engage in securities lending and securities lending of refinancing to propel supply and demand of securities sources in the market, on the basis of making risks controllable and protecting holders’ rights and interests.

  • INTL FCStone Joins ECC As New Direct Clearing Member

    Date 21/04/2015

    The European Commodity Clearing (ECC) welcomes INTL FCStone, London, as a new Clearing Member.

  • Azul Zing And Zulu Now Certified With Red Hat JBoss BRMS And Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite

    Date 21/04/2015

    • Red Hat JBoss BRMS and Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite are now both certified on Azul’s Zing and Zulu JVMs
    • Customers using JBoss BRMS or JBoss BPM Suite can take advantage of Zing to support larger and more complex in-memory rule sets and datasets, while improving sustained throughput and runtime consistency
    • Enterprises may now choose a common  open source, standards compliant Java runtime and development environment for JBoss BRMS and JBoss BPM Suite across a variety of operating systems, including Linux, Windows, and Mac OS

  • Shanghai Stock Exchange Welcomes Valuable Reference For Investors In Corporate Annual Reports

    Date 21/04/2015

    A lot of listed companies have published their annual reports since this April, which featured more highlights than their predecessors by including more non-financial information to provide valuable assistance for investors in making decisions about their investment, thanks to the efforts of the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) in propelling industry regulation.

  • LCH.Clearnet Ltd Opens Australian Dollar Account With Reserve Bank Of Australia - Provides Ltd Entity With Access To Central Bank Liquidity

    Date 21/04/2015

    LCH.Clearnet Ltd (LCH.Clearnet), the global clearing house, is today pleased to announce that it has established new deposit and liquidity facilities with the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA).