Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • NYSE Group Consolidated Short Interest Report

    Date 09/04/2024

    NYSE today reported short interest as of the close of business on the settlement date of March 28, 2024.

  • Statement Of Commissioner Kristin N. Johnson: CCP Resilience, AI And Risk Management Implications, Market Structure Reforms, And Climate Related Market Risks

    Date 09/04/2024


    Good morning, I am honored to welcome you to the first Market Risk Advisory Committee (MRAC) meeting of 2024. At this meeting, the MRAC will introduce formal recommendations, reports, and presentations with insightful guidance to improve the integrity and stability of our markets. These include an unprecedented analysis of the state of intermediated clearing markets and the significant reduction in the number of FCMs providing trade execution services over two decades. The Market Structure Subcommittee will also examine the U.S. Treasury cash-futures basis trade and risk management implications. The Future of Finance Subcommittee’s AI and Risk Management workstream will share it’s working plan, outlining initial observations and potential suggestions for navigating the complex landscape of AI integration in financial markets.

  • CME Group Micro U.S. Treasury Futures Surpass 100,000 Contracts Traded

    Date 09/04/2024

    CME Group, the world's leading derivatives marketplace, today announced that trading in its new Micro U.S. Treasury futures has surpassed 100,000 contracts since launching just two weeks ago on March 25.

  • The EBA Publishes Its Final Guidelines On Resubmission Of Historical Data Under The EBA Reporting Framework

    Date 09/04/2024

    The European Banking Authority (EBA) today published its final Guidelines on the resubmission of historical data under the EBA reporting framework. The Guidelines provide a common approach to the resubmission of historical data by the financial institutions to the competent and resolution authorities in case of errors, inaccuracies or other changes in the data reported, in accordance with the supervisory and resolution reporting framework developed by the EBA.

  • Alberta Securities Commission Alleges Market Manipulation Scheme Of Softlab9 Software Solutions Inc. Shares

    Date 09/04/2024

    The Alberta Securities Commission (ASC) has issued a Notice of Hearing against Calgary residents Rahim Shiraz A-K Mohamed (a.k.a. Rahim Shiraz Ali Abdul Karim Karmali Mohamed) and Alnoor Fatehali Nathoo, and British Columbia residents Marc Evan Levy and Michael Baron. The Notice of Hearing alleges that the group engaged in a market manipulation scheme and committed insider reporting violations in breach of Alberta securities laws.