Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Accountability In Executive Pay: Let’s Not Wait Until The Next Financial Crisis, SEC Commissioner Jaime Lizárraga, Washington D.C., June 17, 2024

    Date 18/06/2024

    Good afternoon. It is great to be with all of you here today.  I appreciate the opportunity to be a part of this event and would like to extend my sincere thanks to Americans for Financial Reform for the invitation. I am fortunate to have a long history of working with AFR and the other sponsors of today’s event: Public Citizen, Institute for Policy Studies, AFL-CIO, AFSCME, and the Committee for Better Banks, spanning my time as a staffer for Chairman Barney Frank on the Financial Services Committee, and later in Speaker Pelosi’s office – and especially during the 2008 financial crisis.

  • Nadex Temporarily Grants Market Maker Quoting Exemption

    Date 18/06/2024

    Pursuant to the Nadex Market Maker Agreement, Section 4, Subsection (a)(iv), a Market Maker may refrain from submitting quotes during a period of illiquidity in the underlying markets, defined as thinly traded markets during particular time period. In anticipation of a period of illiquidity in the underlying markets upon which the Silver Nadex contracts are based for the previously scheduled June 28, 2024, underlying rollover date, Nadex is temporarily granting its Market Makers relief from their quoting obligations in the Nadex Silver commodity contracts.

  • NZI HELMETS’ New BME Growth Incorporation Document

    Date 18/06/2024

    • The company, which is the second to join the BME market this year, is the eighth company to make the leap to the SME stock market from the Pre-Market Environment

  • ISDA Response To UK Financial Conduct Authority And Bank of England On UK EMIR Refit

    Date 18/06/2024

    On June 12, ISDA submitted a response to the joint Bank of England and UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) consultation on part two of the UK European Market Infrastructure Regulation (UK EMIR) Refit reporting Q&A and proposed updates to validation rules. In the response, ISDA highlights several topics, including the reporting of equity resets, commodity basis swaps and excess collateral under UK EMIR. ISDA welcomes the opportunity to raise additional items to be considered in the final Q&A to promote alignment with EU EMIR where appropriate or deviation if required.

  • Toronto Stock Exchange, TSX Venture Exchange, TSX Alpha Exchange And Montréal Exchange Closed For Canada Day

    Date 18/06/2024

    Toronto Stock Exchange, TSX Venture Exchange, TSX Alpha Exchange and Montréal Exchange will be closed on Monday, July 1, 2024, for the Canada Day holiday.