FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Deutsche Börse: Unscheduled Component Changes In MDAX And TecDAX
Date 18/06/2024
STOXX Ltd. has announced unscheduled component changes in the MDAX and TecDAX indices.
SEC Charges R.R. Donnelley & Sons Co. With Cybersecurity-Related Controls Violations
Date 18/06/2024
The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced that R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company (RRD), a global provider of business communication and marketing services, agreed to pay over $2.1 million to settle disclosure and internal control failure charges relating to cybersecurity incidents and alerts in late 2021.
IIPA Announces Appointment Of Pete Mehravari As The Director Of Policy And Legal Affairs
Date 18/06/2024
The International Intellectual Property Alliance® (IIPA®) today announced the appointment of Pete Mehravari as the Director of Policy and Legal Affairs.
Some Reasons For Optimism About Inflation, Federal Reserve Governor Adriana D. Kugler, At The Peterson Institute For International Economics, Washington, D.C.
Date 18/06/2024
Thank you for your introduction, Adam, and thank you for the invitation to speak here today. It is great to come to Peterson to discuss the economic outlook and monetary policy, which is my topic this afternoon.
EACH Publishes High-Level Response To The FSB Consultation Paper On Liquidity Preparedness For Margin And Collateral Calls
Date 18/06/2024
EACH has today responded to the FSB consultation report on Liquidity Preparedness for Margin and Collateral Calls. EACH supports the FSB’s work to enhance the liquidity preparedness of non-bank market participants for margin and collateral calls, as EACH believes it is important to ensure that all non-bank market participants taking part in clearing are as well-equipped as possible to manage liquidity demands during market stress.
NZI HELMETS To Start Trading In BME Growth On Thursday, June 20
Date 18/06/2024
- This is the second company to enter this market so far this year and the eighth that comes from the Pre-Market Environment
- Its initial valuation amounts to 15 million euros
US Office Of The Comptroller Of The Currency Report Highlights Key Risks In Federal Banking System
Date 18/06/2024
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) today reported the key issues facing the federal banking system in its Semiannual Risk Perspective for Spring 2024.
ISDA Response To UK Financial Conduct Authority Consultation On Sustainability Disclosure Requirements
Date 18/06/2024
On June 14, ISDA responded to the UK Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) consultation on sustainability disclosure requirements for portfolio management. ISDA supports the FCA taking a proportionate approach to the use of derivatives in sustainable investing. It is important that recommendations on the treatment of derivatives, expected to be proposed by the European Union’s Platform on Sustainable Finance (PSF) by the end of 2024, are implemented consistently by the relevant authorities, including those in the UK. In the response, ISDA highlights several issues related to derivatives and makes recommendations.
A Nonagenarian Talks With A Tricenarian: Remarks At The SEC 30th International Institute For Securities Market Growth AQnd Development, Commissioner Hester M. Peirce, Washington D.C., June 18, 2024
Date 18/06/2024
Welcome to the final day of the SEC’s 30th International Institute for Securities Market Growth and Development. Based on my perusal of the agenda, your curriculum has been interesting and exhausting. I am honored to spend a few minutes with such a remarkable gathering of people who share my passion for securities regulation. Before I begin, I will give you a disclaimer, which you might have heard many times before: My views are my own views as a Commissioner and not necessarily those of the SEC or my fellow Commissioners.
Ontario Securities Commission’s Investor Advisory Panel Releases 2023 Annual Report
Date 18/06/2024
The Investor Advisory Panel (the IAP) today released its 2023 Annual Report summarizing its activities, submissions, consultations, and meetings.