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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Strong And Simple – Completing The Picture - Speech By David Bailey, Bank Of England, Executive Director, Prudential Policy, Given At The Building Societies Association

    Date 20/09/2024

    In his speech at the Building Societies Association (BSA). David Bailey talks about the PRA’s consultation paper (CP) on the capital-related aspects of the Strong and Simple prudential framework for small banks and building societies. The speech outlines the benefits of the Strong and Simple package, which includes targeted and proportionate changes to simplify the capital regime. He explains why this will be good for competition, competitiveness and growth.

  • The FIAB General Assembly At The BCBA

    Date 20/09/2024

    On the morning of 19 September, the 51st General Assembly of the Ibero-American Federation of Stock Exchanges took place at the Palacio Bursátil.

    The participants agreed to meet again next year in Madrid, which will be hosted by Bolsas y Mercados Españoles.

  • HKEX: Forfeiture Of Unclaimed First Interim Dividend For 2018

    Date 20/09/2024

    On 2 August 2024, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (“HKEX”) announced that, pursuant to HKEX’s Articles of Association, the first interim dividend for 2018 of HK$3.64 per share, payable on 20 September 2018 and remaining unclaimed on 20 September 2024, would be forfeited and would revert to HKEX. Accordingly, the unclaimed first interim dividend for 2018 amounting to HK$18,268,406.07 is forfeited and reverts to HKEX today.

  • HKEX Announces Establishment Of Integrated Fund Platform Task Force

    Date 20/09/2024

    Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX) is pleased to announce today (Friday) the establishment of the Integrated Fund Platform (IFP) Task Force (Task Force), bringing together key industry stakeholders to support the development of a more efficient, diverse and vibrant fund distribution ecosystem in Hong Kong.

  • Derivatives Service Bureau Data Shows Industry Ready For UK UPI Reporting - UPI Reporting In The UK Comes Into Force On 30 September 2024

    Date 20/09/2024

    The Derivatives Service Bureau (DSB), the global golden source of reference data for OTC derivatives, today released data indicating industry readiness for the start of UK UPI (Unique Product Identifier) reporting on 30 September 2024 under revised UK EMIR rules. The UPI is reported to trade repositories so regulators can monitor the build-up of systemic risk across the OTC derivatives market.