FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Canadian Securities Regulators And CIRO Provide Update On SEC Adopting Amendments To Rules Regarding Minimum Pricing Increments And Trading Fee Caps
Date 20/09/2024
The securities regulatory authorities of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nunavut, Northwest Territories and Yukon and the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO) today provided an update on their work related to the recent rule changes announced by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). These rule changes follow the SEC consultations launched on December 14, 2022, on four proposals to change certain fundamental elements of U.S. market structure (SEC Proposed Amendments).
Corporate And Municipal CUSIP Request Volumes Surge In August
Date 20/09/2024
CUSIP Global Services (CGS) today announced the release of its CUSIP Issuance Trends Report for August 2024. The report, which tracks the issuance of new security identifiers as an early indicator of debt and capital markets activity over the next quarter, found a sharp increase in request volume for new corporate and municipal identifiers.
Policy Spillovers When External Shocks Persist And Domestic Activity Diverges - Speech By Catherine L. Mann, Member Of The Bank Of England Monetary Policy Committee, Given At The Central Bank Research Association, National Bank Of Poland And Bank Of Lithuania 5th Biennial Conference ‘Macroeconomic Adjustments After Large Global Shocks’ In Vilnius, Lithuania
Date 20/09/2024
Catherine L. Mann discusses why international spillovers matters. She highlights how different economic outlooks are leading monetary policies to diverge. She discusses what this means for her monetary policy strategy.
Readout: Fifth Meeting Of The Economic Working Group Between The United States And The People’s Republic Of China
Date 20/09/2024
The United States and the People’s Republic of China held the fifth meeting of the Economic Working Group (EWG) on September 19-20 in Beijing. This was the second EWG held in China.
SEC To Hold Virtual National Compliance Outreach Seminar For Investment Companies And Investment Advisers
Date 20/09/2024
The Securities and Exchange Commission’s Compliance Outreach Program announced today that it will host a virtual national seminar for investment companies and investment advisers on Nov. 7, 2024. This seminar is intended to help Chief Compliance Officers and other senior personnel at investment companies and investment advisory firms enhance their compliance programs for the protection of investors.
Borsa İstanbul Announces The Constituent Changes To The BIST Stock Indices For The Fourth Quarter Of 2024
Date 20/09/2024
All changes will be applied after the close of business on Monday, September 30, 2024 and will be effective on Tuesday, October 1, 2024.
Inter-Agency Working Group Releases New Report On US Treasury Market Resilience Efforts
Date 20/09/2024
The Inter-Agency Working Group on Treasury Market Surveillance (IAWG)—which is composed of staff from the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, and the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission—today issued a staff progress report to highlight the wide range of significant steps its members have taken to enhance the resilience of the U.S. Treasury market.
Dissenting Statement Of CFTC Commissioner Summer K. Mersinger On Guidance Regarding The Listing Of Voluntary Carbon Credit Derivative Contracts
Date 20/09/2024
Today’s non-binding guidance to designated contract markets (“DCMs”) regarding listing of voluntary carbon credits (“VCCs”) derivative contracts is a solution in search of a problem. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission has no shortage of topics that warrant our immediate attention. But instead of addressing those, we are issuing guidance on an emerging class of products that have very little open interest and comprise a miniscule percentage of trading activity on CFTC-regulated DCMs.
Statement Of Support Of CFTC Chairman Rostin Behnam On The Commission’s Final Guidance Regarding The Listing Of Voluntary Carbon Credit Derivatives Contracts
Date 20/09/2024
The Commission’s final guidance for designated contract markets (DCMs or Contract Markets) that list derivatives on voluntary carbon credits (VCCs) as the underlying commodity is a critical step in support of the development of high-integrity voluntary carbon markets (VCMs). For the first time ever, a U.S. financial regulator is issuing regulatory guidance for contract markets that list financial contracts aimed at providing tools to manage risk, promote price discovery, and foster the allocation of capital towards decarbonization efforts.
CFTC Approves Final Guidance Regarding The Listing Of Voluntary Carbon Credit Derivative Contracts
Date 20/09/2024
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission today approved final guidance regarding the listing for trading of voluntary carbon credit derivative contracts. The guidance applies to designated contract markets (DCMs), which are CFTC-regulated derivatives exchanges, and outlines factors for DCMs to consider when addressing certain Core Principle requirements in the Commodity Exchange Act (CEA) and CFTC regulations that are relevant to the listing for trading of voluntary carbon credit derivative contracts. The guidance also outlines factors for consideration when addressing certain requirements under the CFTC’s Part 40 Regulations that relate to the submission of new derivative contracts, and contract amendments to the CFTC.