FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
FTSE Russell Announces Results Of September 2024 Semi-Annual Country Classification Review For Equities And Fixed Income 
Date 08/10/2024
- South Korean government bonds will be added to the FTSE World Government Bond Index (WGBI) with inclusion starting in November 2025
- India will be added to the FTSE Emerging Markets Government Bond Index (EMGBI) with inclusion starting in September 2025
- Price source change to Tradeweb FTSE Closing Prices for US Treasuries, European Government Bonds and UK Gilts in FTSE global fixed income indices
- Egypt will be removed from the FTSE Equity Country Classification Watch List for potential demotion from Secondary Emerging to Unclassified market status
- Greece will be added to the FTSE Equity Country Classification Watch List for possible reclassification from Advanced Emerging to Developed market status
FSB Americas Group Discusses Macroprudential Frameworks, Climate Risks, Digital Payments And Operational Resilience
Date 08/10/2024
The Financial Stability Board (FSB) Regional Consultative Group (RCG) for the Americas met on 7 and 8 October in Santiago. The meeting was hosted by the Central Bank of Chile and the Financial Market Commission. FSB Chair, Klaas Knot, joined RCG members for the meeting.
CFTC Financial Data For Futures Commission Merchants Update
Date 08/10/2024
The latest reports for August 2024 are now available.
Delivering Vibrant Capital Markets - Speech By Ashley Alder, UK Financial Conduct Authority Chair, At The International Capital Markets Conference
Date 08/10/2024
- Opportunities unique to market-based finance explain why we delivered the most significant reforms of the UK’s public equity markets in a generation.
- Our review of the financial advice and guidance boundary aims to unlock innovation so people can get the support that suits their financial needs.
- We will continue to collaborate as we seek a common goal: capital markets that deliver the returns people need, and the investment that growth requires.
NGX Group Applauds German Government And DEG For Commitment To Sustainability ... To Collaboration On Climate Action In Nigeria
Date 08/10/2024
Nigerian Exchange Group Plc (NGX Group) has lauded the German Government and its development finance institution, Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft (DEG), a subsidiary of KfW Bank, for their unwavering commitment to advancing impact investing in Nigeria. This comes as NGX Group looks to strengthen partnerships aimed at fostering sustainable development, with a focus on climate action.
CFTC Commissioner Goldsmith Romero To Receive The Pioneer Award From The Asian Pacific American Bar Association Of Washington, D.C.
Date 08/10/2024
Commissioner Christy Goldsmith Romero will receive the Pioneer Award from the Asian Pacific American Bar Association (APABA) of Washington, D.C. at the Annual Gala.
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
6:00pm (EDT)WHERE:
Intercontinental D.C. at the Wharf
801 Wharf Street, SW
Washington, D.C. 20024
Additional information: APABA-DC - 2024 Gala -
FIA Announces 10 Startups Selected For 2024 Innovators Pavilion
Date 08/10/2024
FIA today announced the 10 startups chosen to exhibit in the 2024 Innovators Pavilion, FIA's annual showcase for fintech startups relevant to derivatives trading and clearing. The Pavilion happens during FIA’s Futures and Options Expo, which brings together traders, brokers and other market professionals from a wide range of firms in the derivatives industry. The conference takes place 18-20 November in Chicago.
ISDA: Derivatives, Margining And Risk In Emerging Market And Developing Economies
Date 08/10/2024
Derivatives have an important role to play in the development of economies and financial markets in emerging jurisdictions. Financial regulation, in turn, is a critical element in shaping the safe, efficient use and growth of risk management activity in these countries. One of the most important elements of the financial regulatory framework for derivatives is margining: the exchange of collateral, or margin, for derivatives transactions. This paper explains what margining is, how it works and the key issues for policymakers in emerging market and developing economies (EMDEs) to consider when transposing margin-related regulation to their jurisdictions, with a particular focus on non-cleared derivatives.
CanDeal Data & Analytics (DNA) To Distribute Consensus Canadian OIS And Swap Rates Via LSEG
Date 08/10/2024
CanDeal DNA, the premier source for Canadian OTC fixed income and derivatives pricing, is partnering with LSEG Data & Analytics to distribute CanDeal DNA Consensus OIS and Swap Rates.
ICE Introduces Multi-Asset Class Climate Transition Risk Solution - Holistic Emissions Data Now Available For Municipal Bonds, Mortgage-Backed Securities And Real Estate, As Well As Corporate And Sovereign Bonds
Date 08/10/2024
Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. (NYSE:ICE), a leading global provider of technology and data, today announced the launch of a multi-asset class climate transition risk solution, which provides emissions estimates and portfolio analytics across various fixed income asset classes, covering Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions for municipal bonds, mortgage-backed securities (MBS), and real estate. This new solution, combined with ICE’s existing coverage of sovereign, corporate equity, and private companies, can enable clients to assess and benchmark their financed emissions across a comprehensive range of fixed income asset classes in one integrated offering.