FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Ontario Securities Commission Provides Six-Year Funding To FAIR Canada
Date 27/11/2024
The Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) is announcing it will provide funding of up to $2 million per year, to a total of $11 million, to FAIR Canada (FAIR) – a national charitable organization dedicated to advancing and promoting the interests of individual investors. This new funding arrangement will provide a stable source of funding for FAIR for the next six years.
ISDA Letter To FASB On Hedge Accounting Improvements
Date 27/11/2024
On November 25, ISDA submitted a comment letter to the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) in response to its exposure draft (ED) on File Reference No. 2024-ED200, Derivatives and Hedging (Topic 815) – Hedge Accounting Improvements. ISDA supports the FASB’s proposals in the ED and believes it achieves the FASB’s objective of improving the application and relevance of the derivatives and hedging guidance.
Finansinspektionen: TRS 2 System Closed 4−5 December
Date 27/11/2024
The TRS 2 system will be closed for maintenance Wednesday, 4 December and Thursday, 5 December 2024.
360T Has Partnered With Sailing Team Malizia And Their Skipper Boris Herrmann
Date 27/11/2024
Boris Herrmann is currently racing the famous Vendée Globe 2024-2025, a single-handed, non-stop and non-assisted round-the-world sailing race that takes place every four years. He and his Team Malizia are also set to join The Ocean Race Europe 2025 in August. Team Malizia uses its platform to champion climate action and marine conservation by contributing to science with the collection of important Ocean Data during the races and contribute to scientific research. The partnership between 360T and Team Malizia is built on shared values and commitment to excellence, teamwork, and innovation.
BIS And Central Bank Of Brazil Announce Winners Of G20 TechSprint
Date 27/11/2024
- Fifteen shortlisted teams from around the world competed to develop innovative technological solutions to address sustainable finance challenges related to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
- Solutions aim to stimulate the widespread adoption and scaling of nature-based solutions; enhance environmental, social and governance (ESG) data reporting; and accelerate progress towards SDGs.
- The winning teams are Ekonavi, Tese and Kaleidofin.
EU Banks Continue To Meet Their MREL, Still 21 Banks In Their Transition Period Report A Shortfall
Date 27/11/2024
The European Banking Authority (EBA) today published its Q2 2024 quarterly Dashboard on minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities (MREL), which discloses aggregated statistical information for 339 banks earmarked for resolution across the European Union and for which EBA has received data about both decision and resources. For the first time, the Dashboard also includes the list of entities covered. All banks meet their MREL requirements in line with the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD) deadline of 1 January 2024, with the exception of 21 banks, still in their transition period that report a shortfall. The amount of instruments becoming ineligible over the next year for the sample reached EUR 220bn, which appears manageable.
CFTC Commissioner Johnson To Participate In Fire-Side Chat At DigiAssets Connect
Date 27/11/2024
Commissioner Kristin N. Johnson will participate in a fire-side chat “U.S. Regulatory Outlook for Digital Assets: Navigating Post Policy Elections” at the 2024 DigiAssets Connect in Geneva, Switzerland.
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
10:00 a.m. (CET)
4:00 a.m. (EST)WHERE:
Crowne Plaza Geneva
Avenue Louis-Casaï 75-77,
1216 Genève
Additional Information: DigiAssets Connect 2024 -
SEC Updates List Of Firms Using Inaccurate Information To Solicit Investors
Date 27/11/2024
The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced that it updated its list of unregistered entities that use misleading information to solicit primarily non-U.S. investors, adding 14 soliciting entities, two impersonators of genuine firms, and four bogus regulators.
MNI Indicators: Chicago Business Barometerâ„¢ - Eased To 40.2 In November
Date 27/11/2024
November 2024 Report
- The Chicago Business Barometer™, produced with MNI eased 1.4 points to 40.2 in November. This was the second consecutive monthly fall from 46.6 in September, leaving the index 2.7 points below the year-to-date average.
- Four of the five subcomponents fell in November (Production, Order Backlogs, Employment and Supplier Deliveries), with only New Orders rising. • Supplier deliveries fell 8.1 points, the largest downward move since March 2023.
LSEG World-Check: Holiday Season Is The Gift That Keeps Giving For Criminals, Rogue Employers And Unscrupulous Service Providers
Date 27/11/2024
- Analysis of LSEG World-Check database demonstrates how criminals take advantage at a time when consumer spending is at its highest
- Worker exploitation, loan sharking, consumer rights infringements and cybercrime among the most prevalent seasonal crimes
- Over 60% of all new LSEG World-Check records for labour violations and cybercrime records typically recorded in the final three months of the year