FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
CBOT Implements Proactive Emergency Maintenance on Project A: Temporary Shutdown at 12:30 p.m.
Date 17/08/1999
To perform proactive emergency maintenance, the Chicago Board of Trade temporarily shut down its electronic trading system, Project A, at 12:30 p.m. today. The temporary shutdown is related to system software and not the overall network.
SFE Gains Approval To Place Trading Terminals In USA
Date 16/08/1999
The Sydney Futures Exchange (SFE) and its subsidiary, the New Zealand Futures and Options Exchange (NZFOE), have become the first exchanges in the Asia Pacific region to be permitted to place electronic trading terminals in the United States (US), following clearance from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).
Resignation from the Management of the SWX Swiss Exchange
Date 16/08/1999
Michael Stäheli, head of the Customer Relations & Marketing Division, is leaving SWX for personal reasons. Since the launch ofelectronic trading in1996, Mr Stäheli has had a powerful influence in shaping the development of SWX. The SWX are greatly indebted to him for his hard work and commitment. The name of his successor will be announced in due course.
Donovan Letter Updates Members on Project A
Date 16/08/1999
Dear Members: Following the intermittent MCI WorldCom network outage that shut down Project A throughout much of last week, Project A trading resumed as scheduled last night at 6:00 p.m. with our full emergency backup plan and the MCI WorldCom network. Project A trading terminals worldwide are now functioning normally.
ASX & SFE Merger
Date 16/08/1999
ASX announced on August 13 that it would not, at this stage, be seeking formal authorisation of its proposal to merge the Sydney Futures Exchange (SFE) with ASX, following the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission's decision to refuse informal clearance for the merger.
The Challenge of Financial Globalisation Address by Richard G. Humphry, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Australian Stock Exchange, to CEDA Capital Markets Seminar
Date 13/08/1999
Today is, I think, the deadline that astrologers set for world financial markets to collapse, or world war three to start, or the world itself to come to an end, depending on your choice of astrologer. At the time I left the office we seemed to have survived, but of course it's still early in the day on the other side of the Pacific, where these astrologers reside. It's encouraging, though, that so many of us thought it worthwhile to spend the worst (or possibly last) day of the 20th century dis
Recurring MCI Worldcom Problem Causes Project A Outage Until 6pm Sunday, When Backup Plan Goes Into Effect. CBOT Financial Markets Open On Time, AG Markets To Open On Time At 9:30 A.M. (Chicago Time)
Date 13/08/1999
Due to a recurring problem with MCI WorldCom, trading on Project A, the CBOT's electronic trading system, will be suspended until 6:00 p.m. Sunday, August 15 (Chicago time). Project A users will be informed in advance of the Sunday evening opening whether the MCI WorldCom network is available. However, whether or not MCI WorldCom is available, we will function in accordance with our backup plan. The CBOT will open Project A under its backup trading plan, in which additional Project A terminal
Osaka Mercantile Exchange Rubber Futures Monthly Report
Date 13/08/1999
On July 1, nearby RSS3 futures months attracted short-covering on the rumour that the Chinese government would issue the rubber import quotas for 80,000 tonnes, and the market opened higher (spot month: \69.70 distant month: \79.40). Amid INRO's abeyance from intervention due to the shortage of funds, RSS1 in Singapore Commodity Exchange fell below the 100 Singapore cents/kg despite the Thai government's efforts to raise the rubber prices. On July 8, with this factor, spot and distant months san
Osaka Mercantile Exchange Aluminium Futures Monthly Report
Date 13/08/1999
On distant month's opening at 176.4 yen in thin trade, the prices fluctuated within a narrow range in the absence of fresh incentives.
Nasdaq Halts Trading of Iridium World Communications Ltd. and Requests Additional Information from the Company
Date 13/08/1999
The Nasdaq Stock Market® announced that trading was halted in Iridium World Communications Ltd. (Nasdaq:IRID) on August 13, 1999, at 2:04 p.m. for "additional information requested" from the company at a last-sale price of 3 1/16. Trading will remain halted until Iridium World Communications Ltd. has fully satisfied Nasdaq's request for additional information.
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