Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • CBOT Implements Proactive Emergency Maintenance on Project A: Temporary Shutdown at 12:30 p.m.

    Date 17/08/1999

    To perform proactive emergency maintenance, the Chicago Board of Trade temporarily shut down its electronic trading system, Project A, at 12:30 p.m. today. The temporary shutdown is related to system software and not the overall network.

  • SFE Gains Approval To Place Trading Terminals In USA

    Date 16/08/1999

    The Sydney Futures Exchange (SFE) and its subsidiary, the New Zealand Futures and Options Exchange (NZFOE), have become the first exchanges in the Asia Pacific region to be permitted to place electronic trading terminals in the United States (US), following clearance from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).

  • Resignation from the Management of the SWX Swiss Exchange

    Date 16/08/1999

    Michael Stäheli, head of the Customer Relations & Marketing Division, is leaving SWX for personal reasons. Since the launch ofelectronic trading in1996, Mr Stäheli has had a powerful influence in shaping the development of SWX. The SWX are greatly indebted to him for his hard work and commitment. The name of his successor will be announced in due course.

  • Donovan Letter Updates Members on Project A

    Date 16/08/1999

    Dear Members: Following the intermittent MCI WorldCom network outage that shut down Project A throughout much of last week, Project A trading resumed as scheduled last night at 6:00 p.m. with our full emergency backup plan and the MCI WorldCom network. Project A trading terminals worldwide are now functioning normally.

  • ASX & SFE Merger

    Date 16/08/1999

    ASX announced on August 13 that it would not, at this stage, be seeking formal authorisation of its proposal to merge the Sydney Futures Exchange (SFE) with ASX, following the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission's decision to refuse informal clearance for the merger.