FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Botswana Stock Exchange Market Commentary
Date 28/08/1999
The market surged higher gaining 7.3% to yet another all-time high of 1,483.64 again helped by bank stocks which reached new highs. The total market capitalisation has now broken the P5bn mark having just reached the P4bn mark for the first time only 3 weeks ago.
Athens Derivatives Exchange Commenced Trading on August 27
Date 28/08/1999
August 27 saw the official start of market operations of the Athens Derivatives Exchange (ADEX) and the Athens Derivatives Exchange Clearing House (ADECH). The intraday volatility for the futures on the FTSE/ASE-20 and the cash market was rather low (betweeen 2802 and 2826 for the front series) and the volume for all traded series was 602 contracts.
TSE To Focus On Core Equity Business - Trade station business will be well-served by Canadian vendors
Date 27/08/1999
The Board of Governors of the TSE has made a decision not to pursue the trading station business. This decision is part of our overall effort to focus on providing the best, most cost-effective services possible. Our first priority is to provide a quality market for all our customers. The strategic decision not to offer the TOREX Trading Station Release 3 will allow us to focus on our core strengths. We are confident that our members' trading station needs will be met by a number of technology
SFE Members Vote For First Stage Of Move To Screen Trading
Date 27/08/1999
At an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) late this afternoon, Floor Members of the Sydney Futures Exchange (SFE), by the required majority of 75%, voted to adopt rules necessary for the closure of the Trading Floor and for a staged move to screen trading.
New "S&P/TOPIX 150" index begins to be calculated and posted on the Tokyo Stock Exchange's website
Date 27/08/1999
From August 24,1999,the daily closing of S&P/TOPIX 150 Index began to be caluculated on a test basis. The previous day's closing of the index is posted on the Exchange's website every day.
Nasdaq To Extend Availability of Trade Reporting And Quotation Systems to 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time
Date 27/08/1999
The Nasdaq Stock Market® announced today that, in response to numerous requests, it will make the Nasdaq® trade reporting and quotation systems available to organizations that have announced their intentions to trade until 6:30 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time in order to promote a well-regulated environment in after hours trading sessions.
Iridium World Communications Ltd. Erroneously Reported as Big Gainer
Date 27/08/1999
The Nasdaq Stock Market® announced that due to a system error, Iridium World Communications Ltd. (Nasdaq:IRIQE) was erroneously reported to have been Nasdaq's second-largest percentage gainer today (August 26). Iridium's share price incorrectly showed an increase of 150.8 percent-or 5 ¾ points-to close at 10.
CBOE to List Options on 29 Stocks on Wednesday, September 1
Date 27/08/1999
Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) today announced it will list options on the 29 stocks listed below beginning Wednesday, September 1.
Streamlining of SWX Organisational Structure
Date 26/08/1999
The Committee of the SWX Swiss Exchange Board of Directors approved on 24 August 1999 measures aimed at streamlining the organisational structure of SWX.
NYMEX Sets Daily Volume Records
Date 26/08/1999
Daily volume records were established on the New York Mercantile Exchange yesterday for Exchange-wide volume, NYMEX Division volume, NYMEX Division futures volume, and energy futures volume.
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