Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • NYMEX Natural Gas Futures Set Electronic Trading Volume Record

    Date 01/08/1999

    Henry Hub natural gas futures set a record on Wednesday night on the New York Mercantile Exchange ACCESS(SM) electronic trading system when 16,038 contracts were traded, surpassing the previous record of 12,530 contracts, traded during the April 29, 1999, session.

  • NASD Board Approves Steps Toward a Broader Stock-Based Restructuring of The Nasdaq Stock Market

    Date 01/08/1999

    The National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. (NASD®), have announced that its Board of Governors continued its consideration of restructuring The Nasdaq Stock Market® into a more broad stock-based ownership structure. NASD Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Frank G. Zarb said, "The overriding reason for considering this move is to better serve investors and to protect the interests of investors, NASD members, and issuers by fostering the continued growth and strength of The Nasdaq Stoc

  • NASD Appoints John L. Hilley As Chairman And Chief Executive Officer Of Nasdaq-Amex International And John T. Wall As Chief Operating Officer Of Nasdaq-Amex International

    Date 01/08/1999

    The National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. (NASD®), have announced the promotion of John L. Hilley to Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Nasdaq-Amex International, Inc., a subsidiary of the NASD, effective immediately. Prior to this promotion, Hilley was Executive Vice President for Strategic Development at the NASD. He will retain this position as well. Additionally, the NASD announced that John T. Wall was been appointed Chief Operating Officer of the same entity and will remain

  • London Stock Exchange to Adopt New Structure

    Date 30/07/1999

    The Board of the London Stock Exchange today announced the intention to move from its current mutual ownership to a new basis of owning its shares, designed to equip the Exchange's business more appropriately to meet the competitive demands of the electronic marketplace.

  • LIFFE to list Freeserve plc Individual Equity Options.

    Date 30/07/1999

    The London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE) announced that it will be adding Freeserve plc equity options to its current suite for trading on and from Monday 2nd August 1999. Freeserve plc, the UK's largest internet service provider, has already demonstrated the considerable demand for this type of company. By the end of its first day of trading, the share price had risen to a premium of 37% on the initial offer price as large and small investors actively sought to ob

  • IPE - Result of Extraordinary General Meeting

    Date 30/07/1999

    At today's EGM called to discuss the demutualisation of the IPE and its possible sale to a group of outside investors, the results of the vote were as follows: two thirds of IPE Members voted in favour of selling 70% of the Exchange to outside investors and transfor.

  • IPE - Result of Extraordinary General Meeting

    Date 30/07/1999

    An Extraordinary General Meeting was held today at the IPE. The result of the vote is listed below.

  • CBOT Adds New Delivery Months To Corn Futures Contracts

    Date 30/07/1999

    The Chicago Board of Trade announced today the addition of November and January contracts to the regular trading month cycle for corn futures.

  • NYMEX to Decrease Platinum Margins

    Date 29/07/1999

    The New York Mercantile Exchange will decrease the margins on its platinum futures contracts as of the close of business today to $900 from $1,100 for clearing members; to $990 from $1,210 for members; and to $1,215 from $1,485 for customers.

  • London Stock Exchange and Deutsche Börse Alliance Continues

    Date 29/07/1999

    The London Stock Exchange and Deutsche Börse have sharply rejected a report in the German Newspaper Handelsblatt on the status of the talks between the two exchanges on the implementation of a pan-European stock market.